Incoherent policy on air travel Covid testing must be addressed

Random airport testing promised a month ago but not delivered. Now claims that swab PCR test not accurate enough for airport. If Covid test is not good enough, why is it being used by the HSE? Despite committing weeks ago to random testing at Dublin airport, the Sunday Times now reports that the reason it…

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Covid figures should be released weekly instead of daily

The Labour leader Alan Kelly has backed the call from a number of senior doctors to move from issuing Covid figures daily to weekly. Deputy Kelly said: “We are now the only country in Europe making daily announcements about Covid figures. The daily release of figures is causing great anxiety to many people. If we…

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Keeping meal records of each person for 28 days not a health measure

The new rule is a penal provision under the regulation. It requires record to be kept of the substantial meal ordered by each member of a group. Serious data protection concerns and regulatory burden for hospitality industry. Responding to the strict regulation requiring pubs and restaurants to maintain records for 28 days, Labour Justice spokesperson…

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HSA must launch investigation into tragic death of Thiago Cortes

The Labour Party’s spokesperson on Employment Affairs, Senator Marie Sherlock, has called on the Health & Safety Authority (HSA) to launch an investigation following the death while working of Thiago Cortes, a Deliveroo cyclist who was killed in a hit-and-run incident in Dublin city centre on Monday evening. Senator Sherlock said: “The tragic death of…

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Ireland should follow Brazil and England and pay female footballers equally

Ireland should follow the lead of the Brazilian FA and English FA and ensure female footballers are paid the same as their male counterparts according to Labour Spokesperson on Sport, Senator Mark Wall. Senator Wall said: “This is a very welcome move on behalf of the Brazilian FA and I would strong encourage both the…

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HSE CEO and CCO comments show need for paid sick leave

Government must follow clear public health advice and back Labour sick leave bill HSE Chief Executive and Chief Clinical Officer highlight pay for sick workers as a public health issue at press conference today   The Government must stop ignoring the clear public health advice and support the Labour Party’s Sick Leave and Parental Leave…

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Minister unable to give timeline for when school transport services will be fully operational – not good enough

Labour Representative on the Oireachtas Covid-19 Response Committee, Duncan Smith T.D. said the response of the Minister for Education Norma Foley at the Covid Committee who was unable to give a timeline for when school transport services will be fully operational is not good enough. Deputy Smith said: “There is a lot of concern amongst…

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Taoiseach needs to follow CMO’s advice on sick pay

Labour Spokesperson on Employment Affairs, Senator Marie Sherlock has called on the Taoiseach to follow the advice of the Chief Medical Officer on sick pay by supporting The Labour Party’s Sick Pay and Parental Leave Bill that would ensure workers who fall sick would continue to get paid for up to six weeks. Senator Sherlock…

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Taoiseach confirms publication of Covid roadmap in mid-September

The Taoiseach has confirmed a roadmap which will contain a framework for living with Covid-19 will be published in Mid-September at Leaders Questions in response to the Labour Leader Alan Kelly.   Deputy Kelly said:    “I am glad that the Taoiseach finally confirmed to me that the publication of a strategy for living with…

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New Minister must bring forward Forestry Bill

Labour Party Agriculture and the Marine spokesperson Seán Sherlock has congratulated the new Minister for Agriculture and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD, on his appointment to the Cabinet. Deputy Sherlock said: “I congratulate Minister McConalogue and wish him well in his brief. It is crucial, now more than ever, that confidence is restored for all…

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Bacik calls on government to nominate a woman to the EU Commission

Speaking today in response to reports that the Government is considering either the nomination of one man or of two candidates (one man and one woman) to the EU Commission position vacated by Phil Hogan, Senator Bacik proposed Taoiseach Micheal Martin take a positive stand for women’s rights and just nominate one woman candidate for…

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Housing Minister must prioritise a package of support for renters

The Housing Minister must prioritise a package of support for renters according to Labour Housing Spokesperson, Senator Rebecca Moynihan. Senator Moynihan was speaking after the release of the 2019 CSO Survey on Income and Living Conditions. Senator Moynihan said: “The findings of this survey are stark in that the largest year-on-year increase in the enforced…

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Trolley figures give first glimpse into winter in our health service

Labour Party Leader and Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has said today’s trolley figures give us a first glimpse into winter in our health service. Deputy Kelly said: “Today the INMO TrolleyWatch figures state that over 221 people are on trolleys today, the highest number since  Covid arrived on our shores. “There is a real…

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Decision to drop school profiling welcome but questions remain

Since May the Labour Party has called for school profiling to be dropped from Leaving Cert grading model. Breakdown of estimated grading needs to be released on 7th and not after CAO offers. While welcoming the decision of the Minister for Education to remove historical school comparisons from the calculated grades process, Labour Education spokesperson…

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Labour calls for paid sick leave and improved parental leave to tackle COVID-19 in new Bill

Labour Party launch bill to give workers in Ireland the legal right to sick pay for the first time. Bill will also give parents the right to paid leave if their child is forced to stay home from school due to COVID-19. Ireland is an outlier in Europe, and it has been highlighted by NPHET and…

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Lifting of restrictions in Kildare welcome

· Government must provide special package of supports · Future roadmap needed for any area that may be locked down Kildare South based Labour Senator Mark Wall has welcomed the lifting of localised Covid-19 restrictions imposed on the county. Senator Wall said: “There is an overwhelming sense of relief in County Kildare this evening following…

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Students cannot be expected to pay full fees for online only learning

Students cannot be expected to pay the full fees when many higher education institutes are moving to online only learning according to Labour Spokesperson on Further and Higher Education, Senator Annie Hoey. Senator Hoey was speaking after it was revealed that students will be expected to pay the full cost of €3000 in fees even…

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Pathway needed for the implementation of free GP care

The Government needs to announce a realistic pathway for the implementation of universal free GP care for all citizens under the age of eighteen according to Labour Leader and Health Spokesperson, Alan Kelly. Deputy Kelly was speaking after it was revealed that plans to introduce free GP care for all children aged between six and…

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Clarity needed on new forestry plans

Labour spokesperson on Agriculture Seán Sherlock TD has said that the forestry commitments outlined by Minister Pippa Hackett in her public consultation which finished last week must be underpinned with swift legislative action to restore clarity for those seeking felling licences and allow transparency for the public in decisions made. Deputy Sherlock said: “We need…

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ESB help for broadband plan confirms Labour position

With the Business Post reporting today that the government is to ask for the help of the ESB with the rollout of the National Broadband Plan, Labour Communication Networks spokesperson Duncan Smith TD said it confirms the Labour position that the project should have remained in state ownership and been rolled out by a semi-state…

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Clarity needed for people of Kildare on criteria for easing lockdown measures

The people of Kildare need clarity on the criteria for the easing of lockdown measures according to Kildare South based Labour Senator Mark Wall. Senator Wall said: “There is no doubt that we must all adhere to the current medical advice from NPHET, however the decision making process must come with transparency from Government and…

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Targeted package of additional supports needed for wet pubs

-40% top up to the restart grant too little too late Labour Enterprise Spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin said the Government need to announce a targeted package of supports for wet pubs immediately and that the 40% top up to the restart grant is too little too late for businesses that will have to remain closed…

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Restart Grant must be urgently amended to save business in Kildare

The Restart grant must be urgently amended in order to save business in Kildare according to Kildare South based Labour Senator Mark Wall. Senator Wall has urged the Tánaiste to immediately change one of the qualification criteria in the Restart plus grant which states that business turnover must be reduced by 25% from 1st April…

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Justice must give more detail on proposed Garda powers

Howlin seeking detail briefing from Minister for Justice. Bill will be rushed through Dáil on Wednesday and Thursday. No detail provided yet on plan to make private gatherings of more than six an offence. With plans to rush new Covid-19 enforcement powers through the Dáil next week, Labour Justice spokesperson Brendan Howlin has sought a…

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