Additional supports needed for workers in tourism industry and aviation sector

Hospitality within Tourism sectors: I am delighted that we have a chance to discuss Tourism today. I think we all share in this house a sense of pride in our country as a beautiful, welcoming and varied tourism destination. It is now one of many sectors in Ireland that is facing a cliff edge from…

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European Recovery Fund needed to boost a post-Covid recovery

Once again, the EU is faced with a major crisis. And this crisis has the potential to make or break the Union. The test this time is whether the EU can demonstrate solidarity between its member states based on shared democratic values, or whether it wants to just be a marketplace.  One of the reasons…

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Smith questions Health Minister on Covid-19 related issues

I would like to pass on my our sincere condolences to all the families who have lost loved ones to COVID 19 since this House last met a week ago. The crisis continues and the sadness mounts as we continue to battle against this appalling virus.   Transparency We support the work you are doing…

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Transparency of decision making essential

Remarks by Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly in Dáil Éireann during Leader Statements on Thursday 30th April “I want to pay my respects to all the people who have lost their lives and their families.  May those who have died rest in peace.  I also again thank all the workers making such sacrifices for us…

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Kelly raises questions on Covid-19 democratic accountability

Taoiseach, since this Dáil met this day last week 4,124 more people have been diagnosed with Covid-19 and a further 337 people have sadly passed away. Our thoughts are with the families and loved ones of those who passed away and we are wishing all of those who have been diagnosed with Covid-19 symptoms a…

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We can’t go back to business as usual post-Covid19

I welcome this opportunity to place this statement on the record of the House. My first thoughts are with the loved ones of those who have sadly passed away. If this crisis has done anything, it has put into perspective what really matters. And it has demanded that we put the interest of others and…

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Kelly raises concerns around PPE availability

We as members of Dáil Éireann need to practice what we preach. The public health advice is to stay at home during this crisis. Our democratic institutions are central to everything we do and if the Dail was discussing legislation the Labour Party would be present today. However, we are not. We are making statements…

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Politics has to work to deliver solutions during the COVID-19 crisis

Remarks by Alan Kelly on second stage of COVID-19 emergency legislation, Dáil Éireann, Thursday 19th March 2020. As somebody who has worked with the health service over the last four years in my role as Labour Party spokesperson on health, I would like to commence my contribution by acknowledging the health workers who will be…

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Solidarity with all affected by Coronavirus

Remarks by Brendan Howlin TD on second stage of the COVID-19 Emergency legislation, 19th March 2020. I would like to express my own solidarity – and that of the Labour Party – with everyone who is affected by the coronavirus, especially those who are ill, those who are the frontline of providing health and social…

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Dáil must take Corona Virus risk seriously

Statements on COVID-19 Dáil Éireann, 5th March 2020 Check against Delivery Calls on Government to change the social protection rules so that workers can afford to stay at home if they need to self-isolate. Calls for a Dáil committee on Covid-19, which would be available at a moment’s notice, to make the difficult decisions that…

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The European Union needs to present solutions

Remarks by Brendan Howlin TD on Dáil statements after the European Council meeting of 20th-21st February The European Council meeting on the 20th February failed. It failed to reach agreement on the Multiannual Financial Framework for the next seven years. It failed to take robust action to resolve the human rights abuses occurring in Syria….

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A Labour Party we can be proud of

Speech to Labour Party Leadership Hustings, Clayton Silver Springs Hotel, Cork, Monday 2nd March 2020. When I joined the Labour Party as a young teacher, I was teaching ten-year-old girls in Sheriff Street, in inner-city Dublin. I quickly saw how they were missing out on so many opportunities I had taken for granted. I saw…

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Only Labour has the Real Solutions for Change

Remarks by Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin as the General Election campaign enters the final 3 days. With 3 days to go in this Election the Labour Party has one central message to voters If you want to stop the waste of public money, build homes and fix health the Labour Party and our 31…

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A More European Ireland Post-Brexit?

Address by Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin to the Institute of International and European Affairs on 31st January 2020. For centuries there has been a two-way movement of people between Ireland and Britain, and there are many familial and economic links between the two islands. That led to the Common Travel Area being established post-independence, which…

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Stop the Waste of Public Money, Build Homes and Fix Health

Speech by Brendan Howlin at the Labour Party Campaign Launch, Dublin, 21st January 2020 Check against delivery The Labour Party’s message in this general election is clear: Labour will end the waste of public money, build homes and fix health. You will hear me repeat this over the remaining 18 days of the campaign. Leo Varadkar…

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Clean air is essential to healthy human life- Burton

Check against delivery Clean air and clean water are fundamental essentials to healthy, human life. The Labour Party motion tonight is to stress – not-with-standing that we are one of the most advanced countries in the world, as the Taoiseach would say we are third on the UN list of places to live and quality…

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EU must provide global leadership on climate change

Speaking on post European Council statements in the Dáil, Labour Party leader Brendan Howlin said that: “The single biggest economic challenge facing the European Union is to provide global leadership on climate change, not least as the current American President and his administration is in the process of withdrawing from the Paris Agreement. Labour strongly…

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Toxic racism has entered our politics – Ryan

Racism should not be allowed to take root in our society. It is not inevitable and we must take action to stamp it out, especially in our politics.   Our equality laws prohibit discrimination of employees or customers on the basis of several grounds, including race. The level of formal reporting of racist discrimination is…

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A UK Labour Government is best for Ireland

Speaking on pre-European Council statements in the Dáil, Labour Leader Brendan Howlin said that a UK government led by the British Labour Party would be far better for Ireland because only Labour is committed to retaining close alignment with the European Union. In his contribution he went on to say: “The EU Council are meeting…

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Our global challenges of Migration, Climate Change, and Economic Inequality

­Speaking at the annual Labour Youth conference in Waterford city tonight, Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin outlined his views on the major international issues impacting on the world outside the EU. He noted the slowdown in the advance of democracy, and said the three challenges that Labour parties must be prepared to lead on are…

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Remarks by Brendan Howlin TD on Direct Provision

According to a Spending Review, published by the Department of Justice in August of this year, there are presently 39 Direct Provision centres in operation. Seven of them are State-owned but all the centres are managed by private contractors.   Recent statistics show that we had just under 3,000 applications for asylum in 2017, and…

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Together we can build an Equal Society

Address by Party Leader Brendan Howlin TD to Labour Party Annual Conference 2019. Our country is at a crossroads again. Labour wants everyone to share our country’s wealth, but others do not. The choice at the next election is as simple as that. You all know streets with boarded-up shops. You all know communities where…

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We must make our voice heard for those who need us

Good morning fellow delegates On behalf of the Longford Westmeath Labour Party I want to thank you for coming to this year’s National Labour Conference here in Mullingar But I hope to see you again next year when we host Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann! I know you have come from all parts of the island…

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National Broadband Plan has been dogged by confusion and underestimation of costs

I am from the heart of rural Ireland, Ballynacargy, and I am acutely aware of the vital importance of the delivery of broadband to many hundreds of people who reside in areas like Rathowen, Legan, Ballymore, Drumraney, Carrickboy, Abbeyshrule, Milltown and so many other rural areas. Many in those areas could set up telecottage-type industries…

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