Speech by Brendan Howlin TD on Disclosures Tribunal motion

Ceann Comhairle, The past few weeks have damaged confidence in this Government. They have probably damaged confidence in politics. And they have certainly inflicted further damage on the administration of justice in this country. Last night, the Taoiseach referred to the Department of Justice and Equality as dysfunctional. That is damning criticism for any Government…

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Speech by Brendan Ryan TD on the Housing (Homeless Families) Bill

I congratulate my colleague, Deputy Jan O’Sullivan, on bringing forward this very important Bill.  As Deputy O’Sullivan set out earlier, children have no rights to protection, safety or a roof over their heads except as dependants of their parents, even though the rights of the child have been written into the Constitution.  There is also…

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Children’s rights should be at the heart of our response to homelessness – O’Sullivan

I wish to commend the Housing (Homeless Families) Bill to the House and thank those who have already indicated their support for the Bill. No child should have to sleep on the streets; no child should be sent to a Garda station in the middle of the night for want of a place to go;…

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A new democratic programme for a new generation

Address by Brendan Howlin, T.D. Leader of the Labour Party at the Labour Youth National Conference, Portlaoise, 10th November, 2017 Introduction Good evening. It’s an honour to be back at Labour Youth conference, for my second time as party leader. I hope that we get to welcome you to Wexford one of these years! Over…

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Post EU Council Statement by Brendan Howlin

Post EU Council Statement by Brendan Howlin in Dáil Éireann, 25th October 2017. The EU Council last week came to number of important conclusions on Migration, Digital Europe, Security & Defence, External Relations and of course Brexit. Since we last spoke on this issue, a number of significant developments have progressed. In his remarks before…

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Speech by Kathleen Lynch to UCC Autumn Conferring Ceremony 25th October 2017

I want to begin by thanking you for the invitation to be here today, and by saying how honoured I was to have been asked. I see a lot of proud and happy faces in this audience and that is as it should be. I suspect I might also see a few relieved faces too!…

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Catalonia Crisis must be Resolved through Dialogue- Dáil speech by Brendan Howlin

CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY Catalonia Crisis must be Resolved through Dialogue Dáil Éireann, Statements on Catalonia Tuesday 24th October 2017 I want to start by quoting a statement from the Catalonian President with which I profoundly agree.  Carles Puigdemont told his parliament on the 10th October that:-  “The current moment is serious enough for everyone to…

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Dail Statements in advance of EU Council

Speech by Party Leader Brendan Howlin in advance of the EU Council, 18th October. Taoiseach, When we last discussed this issue in June I flagged, as did others, the need for appropriate briefing material to be circulated to us in advance of the Council and afterwards. Once again that has not happened. As I said…

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Speech by Brendan Howlin TD at the campaign launch for Cllr. Andrew Montague Labour Party candidate Dublin North-West

It is a real pleasure to be here to help launch Andrew Montague’s campaign. There are few councillors who can claim to have the impact Andrew has had during his time on the council. In 2004, he was first elected to Dublin City Council. That same year, he proposed the creation of a Dublin Bike…

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Speech by Brendan Howlin TD at Labour Party Central Council

Good afternoon, Since we last met in July, there has been plenty of political activity. But today, I want to focus my remarks on outlining Labour’s priorities for the months ahead: Priorities that will inform our parliamentary work, but also our campaigns in communities all across Ireland. This week saw the publication of a lacklustre…

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Budget 2018 is a tribute to McCreevy economics

This Coffee Cup Budget had no central message other than self-preservation But it had no choice to do otherwise Because this Government is afraid to make choices. Beholden to Fianna Fail it ensured that every sector had a gesture. And there was a former Fianna Fail minister at the heart of this Budget. It is…

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Budget 2018: Much Ado About Nothing

Speech by Joan Burton TD in response to Budget 2018 Introduction The Minister might well have looked to Shakespeare’s plays to provide him with a title for his address today.  ‘As You Like It’ would, I guess, be his first choice, a nice romantic tale to please the punters, something, however small, for everyone in…

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Speech by Brendan Howlin TD at ‘Ulster Fry’ event, British Labour Party Conference

Good morning, I want to thank the organisers for the invitation to be here with you this morning. A year ago, when I attended this Labour Conference, I was, like many Irish people, still reeling from the decision of the British people. 12 months on, with the clock now ticking rapidly, I’m not sure I…

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Speech by Brendan Howlin TD at Kildare North Labour selection convention

Good evening all. It’s great to see such a turnout here to support both Emmet and Fergus. The last twelve months have not represented Irish politics finest hour. Having squabbled for 70 days, Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael finally came to an agreement. And we might have thought that some work would begin. Very quickly,…

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Speech by Brendan Howlin TD to the Chartered Accountants Ireland Conference

Good afternoon, Thank you for the invitation to be here with you this afternoon. Your theme of ‘Speaking Up’ is one that is particularly appropriate and timely in the context of affairs both foreign and domestic. The ability to speak up; to speak truth to power, is an essential component of both public affairs and…

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Right to housing should be inserted in Constitution

I am on the side of those who say that enshrining such rights in the Constitution will make a difference. It will not solve all the problems but I believe it will make a difference, and I am not alone in that. Other Members have referred to the eighth report of the Constitutional Convention which…

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Howlin proposes to hand full responsibility for property tax to local authorities

Remarks by Brendan Howlin, T.D. Leader of the Labour Party at the launch of the journal, Administration, “The ‘Democratic Revolution? Evaluating the political and administrative reform landscape after the economic crisis’, Wednesday 20th September at the Institute of Public Administration. Howlin proposes to hand full responsibility for the LPT to local authorities Firstly let me…

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Opening Address by Brendan Howlin to 2017 Labour Party Think In

CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY Opening address by Brendan Howlin, T.D. Leader of the Labour Party at the Labour Party think-in, Athy, 10th September, 2017. Introduction You are all very welcome to Athy – Mark Wall’s town, and the town that Jack served so well for so long. This annual gathering provides an opportunity for us to…

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Remarks by Joan Burton to Kennedy Summer School

Remarks by Joan Burton TD at Kennedy Summer School, New Ross, Saturday 9th September. Irish Politics Session: Budget, Brexit & Better Politics. JFK was lucky in his choice of speechwriters such as Ted Sorensen so there is wealth of Kennedy oratory available. I chose this one from an address at Yale University in 1962. ‘The…

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Restoring trust and confidence in An Garda Síochána

Speech by Brendan Howlin TD, Leader of the Labour Party to MacGill Summer School As our programme points out, reform of the Garda Síochána has featured several times over recent years at MacGill. As someone who has been calling for Garda reform for well over a decade, this is welcome. But, I believe, this debate…

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Dáil speech by Willie Penrose on the second stage of the Social Welfare and Pensions Bill

I am glad to have the opportunity to contribute to the debate on the Social Welfare, Pensions and Civil Registration Bill 2017.  I congratulate the Minister, Deputy Regina Doherty, on her elevation.  I have no doubt but that she will be ambitious in the role.  I think she will do a good job.  She is…

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More facilities needed on the ground for mental health

Speaking on the Mental Health (Amendment) Bill, Labour Party spokesperson on Health, Alan Kelly TD, raised concerns about the level of resources being provided to A Vision for Change. “I congratulate Deputy Browne and his party on this Bill, which is a very good Bill. I do not believe in “new politics” but this is…

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Dáil speech by Willie Penrose TD on the establisment of the Department of Community and Rural Affairs

” I am delighted to be here to speak on behalf of the Labour Party on the establishment of this important portfolio.  Unlike others, I will not play party political games.  My party and I believe that rather than playing party political games around the establishment of this important Department, we should focus on having…

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Dail Statements on 22nd anniversary of Srebrenica

Ceann Comhairle, I welcome the opportunity to speak on behalf of the Labour Party. These statements are in keeping with the European Parliament resolution of 2009. That resolution called on the Council and the Commission to commemorate the anniversary of the genocide, and to support the recognition of 11 July across the European Union as…

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