Why I got involved in politics

My name is Ali Field and I’m the new Labour Area Representative for your area.

I’ve lived in Raheny all my life and I am married with 2 children.

Believing in the power of community has always been important to me from my days in the St Francis Support Group which succeeded in building a Hospice locally.


My priorities

I have been active on a number of issues such as:

  • Fund raising for EISS Special School
  • Campaigning for school places for children with autism
  • Supporting Raheny GAA All Stars for SEN children
  • Campaigning for ‘Autism friendly Raheny’

My background

Our community is hugely important to me:

  • Worked with Raheny GAA during COVID to ensure elderly & vulnerable residents had messages delivered when they were housebound
  • Participated in the campaign to save lands at St Anne’s Park from developers
  •  Involved with local Neighbourhood Watch and campaigned over amount of lead in our drinking water

Our community has inspired me to get involved in politics, especially families like mine who have had to fight so hard for our children with special needs.

Please contact me with any issue you may have so we can continue to protect and improve our local area