Sadhbh O'Neill

General Election Candidate
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Sadhbh O'Neill

Why I got involved in politics

I remember the moment that I learned about climate change, or the ‘greenhouse effect’ as it was called in the late 1980s. I was terrified. Since then, very little has been done to bend the emissions curve. But I was left with an overwhelming desire to work for environmental protection and climate justice. When I was asked to stand on a green ticket in 1991, I stepped up, even though I was still a student at Trinity. I’ve spent the last three decades stepping up. As a mother, an academic, a writer and an activist, I will bring passion, expertise and experience to the Oireachtas.

My priorities

Housing – provide secure, affordable homes by building more than 50,000 new homes a year.

Health – provide health and care services that are accessible, safe and available when people need them.

Cost of Living – provide better supports for families who are struggling and to protect consumers from exorbitant prices hikes

Work – Our working lives should be rewarding safe, and secure.  Yet thousands of working people in Ireland are still in low pay, insecure employment or getting a bad deal.  We need change.

Climate – We recognises that the climate crisis threatens the future of people and the planet.  We will accelerate decarbonisation and provide sustainable solutions to benefit families and communities.

Children’s Charter – Our mission is to ensure every child has the best start in life and for the State to take seriously its duty to support all children, especially those living in poverty. 

My background

I have a proven track record of working with people in all parties and none and a reputation for research excellence and coalition building. In September 2024 I was delighted to join Labour and I am the Party’s candidate in the forthcoming General Election in the Waterford constitutency.

Further details

  • Regular contributor to the Irish Times Opinion and Environment pages.
  • Former senior climate advisor to Friends of the Earth Ireland.
  • Director of Transport Infrastructure Ireland*
  • Director of ActionAid Ireland.
  • Lecturer in climate change policy and politics and climate and energy law at DCU and TU Dublin.
  • Former Green Party councillor – Elected to Dublin City Council in 1991.
  • BA TCD 1993, MA UCD 2015 and PhD candidate at UCD in climate change ethics and policy.
  • Certificate in Renewable Energy from the Tipperary Institute 2003.
  • Former coordinator of the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition.
  • Campaign coordinator for Climate Case Ireland which pursued a successful, legal challenge against the Irish government over climate policy.
  • Worked in the Oireachtas for Independents for Change group (Thomas Pringle TD) as policy advisor on the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action 2018-20.
  • Former Environmental Awareness Officer for Kilkenny County Council.

*Note: since 7th October I have recused myself from all TII board meetings and deliberations for the duration of the General Election campaign. In any commentary on matters relating to TII I am not representing the views of the executive or board and am expressing personal opinions only.

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