Protections for gig workers

Whether it’s ordering a takeaway, getting shopping delivered or a taxi home from a night out, online platforms have transformed how we live.
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Right now, these platforms call all the shots, leaving workers in a precarious situation. Many are left without basic employment rights like sick leave or paid holiday leave.

As AI and technology continues to develop quicker than employment law, these workers are up against algorithmic bias that can discriminate against people across race, migration status, trade union activism and other personal information.

According to European Commission analysis in 2021, there are 28 million of these platform workers in the EU, and 93% if these are currently classified as self-employed. That number is expected to almost double to 43 million by 2025.

Platforms are here to stay, so let’s end the precarious situation of riders, drivers, and all who engage in so-called platform work.

To start, Labour believes all platform workers should be classified as employees, ending their precarious situation and giving them access to stronger rights by:


  • Recognising platform work in our employment code
  • Stamp out bogus self-employment
  • Provide workers with access to information about their pay

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