Vote Labour in the Local Elections this June

Labour Councillors understand the job of local government. They get the job done.
Our Local Election Candidates

Read our Local Election Manifesto and Local Government Reform policy here:

Labour Local Election Manifesto 2024

Labour Local Government Reform policy 2024


On 7th June, you have an opportunity to vote for candidates that will work for your community. Labour councillors will work hard to deliver change – they believe in the power of local democracy, and building a relationship of trust with you who they are privileged to represent.

Labour Councillors know that a Councillor’s work is fundamentally about creating and maintaining well-functioning communities.

By voting for Labour Councillors, you are voting for people who will:-

– tackle the housing crisis and end vacancy and dereliction,

– fix roads and footpaths and deliver more cycle lanes.

– work for better parks, more pitches and local amenities.

People who will work with you for your community.

This June vote 1 for your local Labour candidate.

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