New energy efficiency plan will deliver warmer homes, thousands of new jobs

07 February 2016

Protecting the environment and creating more green jobs are central parts of Labour’s policy platform for this election. 


Our new policy being launched today – ‘Growing the Green Economy’ – maps out how Labour intend to leverage green policy to help generate more jobs and stimulate growth in sectors such as the construction and energy services.


Our commitment to create 13,000 new jobs by expanding the popular Better Energy Warmer Homes scheme proves that economic development and environmental sustainability are not mutually exclusive, but can work hand-in-hand very effectively.  


We will retrofit 225,000 homes over the next five years, helping to save €39m in annual household energy bills and reduce carbon emissions by 137 kiltonnes.

We will, as a first step, continue our focus on tackling energy poverty and in particular seek to assist those suffering acute health conditions and living in poorly insulated homes.


I am pleased that our strong economic standing means we are in a position to propose the significant expansion of energy efficiency programmes today. But even when the recession roared, Labour Ministers like Alex White prioritised Better Energy schemes, because we recognise the importance of ensuring people live in warmer homes.


Over the past five years, Labour Ministers improved the energy efficiency of 140,000 Irish homes in energy poverty, resulting in higher energy retention, lower bills and a better deal for the environment.


Now we want to go further, and use the new €1bn Green Infrastructure Fund to help fund a new energy efficiency plan that will not only deliver warmer homes, but also thousands of new jobs.


By investing in energy efficiency programmes, Labour is standing up for green jobs and for families in our communities. 

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