Humphreys and Labour Cllrs Concerned Over Re-Development of Clery’s Department Store
Executive Manager
Dublin City Council Planning Department
Civic Offices
Block 4, Floor 2
Wood Quay
Dublin 8
Planning Application Ref: 3442/16 – Proposed Re-development of Clery’s Department Store
Dear Sir/Madam,
We, the undersigned, wish to raise concerns with the Planning Application Ref. 3442/16 on the grounds that it does not adhere to the Dublin City Council Scheme of Special Planning Control for O’Connell Street and Environs 2016 (a type of scheme which is specifically mentioned Dublin City Development Plan 2011-2017 as one that must be adhered to when developing property in this area), which states:
“A number of uses in the O’Connell Street Area of Special Planning Control are identified as having special significance through their long association with the area. Businesses such as Clerys Department Store, The Gresham Hotel and Eason & Son Ltd. have helped shape the social, cultural, economic and architectural character of O’Connell Street and the area over generations. It is an objective of the Scheme of Special Planning Control to protect such uses that contribute significantly to the special character of the area.”
This clause clearly references the “special significance” of the use of Clerys as a Department Store – that is a building used for retail purposes. The use of this property as a retail destination has been integral to the O’Connell Street area for nearly a century. O’Connell Street is the beating heart of our shared city and the greater Dublin area. It is a street which is unique in its culture and heritage, even within our rich and historic city. Whilst we promote the modernisation of Dublin we also share a deep commitment to protecting its heritage and unique landmarks. In the proposed plans for this building it will change from retail use, with some associated offices used to service its retail function, to majority office use. The current proposed plans envisage the building having just under 9000 sq. m of office space compared to just under 3500 sq. m retail space. Clery’s place as a retail landmark, made special by a committed workforce, is an important part of Dublin’s heritage which has helped shape our social, cultural, economic and architectural character of O’Connell St.
We believe Planning Application Ref. 3442/16 is in contravention of the Dublin City Council Scheme of Special Planning Control for O’Connell Street and Environs 2016 by changing Clerys Department Store from a retail destination to a majority office block.
Yours sincerely,
Senator Kevin Humphreys – Labour Party – Spokesperson for Dublin
Cllr Dermot Lacey – Labour Party – Dublin City Council
Cllr Duncan Smith – Labour Party – Fingal County Council
Cllr Peter O’Brien – Labour Party – Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council
Cllr Mick Duff – Labour Party – South Dublin County Council