On St. Patrick’s Day, we’re taking an Irish Stand

17 March 2017

Tonight, in the iconic Riverside Church in New York City, Labour Party Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, is hosting Irish Stand. This event will be an evening of multi-cultural prose, speech, song, and wit, and is intended to serve as a call for inclusivity, diversity, and human rights for our global citizenry.  

Speaking ahead of the event Senator Ó Ríordáín said:

“In cities all over the globe parades will take place to mark the feast day of the patron saint of an island nation of the west coast of Europe with a population of little over 5 million. No other country has a day like today. And no other country has the opportunity that we have today to take a stand.

“We reject the attempts of Irish-Americans in the Trump administration to celebrate St Patrick’s Day while overseeing patently xenophobic and divisive policies. The Travel Ban concept is an outrage. The special agency configured to tackle immigrant-related crime is racist. We are the ones whose job it is to call it out as we see it – on this our National holiday.

“Tonight I will be joined by Colum McCann, Maeve Higgins, Richard Schiff, Lisa Tierney-Keogh, Shaun King and many more to remind Trump’s administration, many of whom are Irish-American descendants of immigrants themselves, that the international community rejects the politics of division and fear.

“By working together, we can lead by example and make a difference in America and across the world.”

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