REMINDER: Accreditation notice 2017 Labour National Conference 21-23 April Wexford
REMINDER: There are a limited number of rooms available to Press in Clayton Whites Hotel, Accommodation can be booked for the Friday and Saturday night by calling the hotel on 053 912 2311, asking for Emma, and reserved using the code ‘Labourpress2017’. Please note that all general rooms are gone, but a limited number is available for Press.
Dates: The 69th National Conference of the Labour Party will take place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, April 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 2017 in Whites Hotel, Wexford.
Accreditation: Please reply this to email and include your mobile number, for inclusion as an accredited journalist, and schedule will be provided. Only journalists who have been officially accredited will be admitted to the venue. Media passes for accredited journalists will be available for collection in the reception area of the hotel from Friday.
The Conference will open on Friday evening with a debate on the Labour Party’s new constitution. On Saturday morning we will discuss new policy documents on the Future of Work and the Greening of Ireland. On Saturday night Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin will deliver his first nationally televised address.
For further enquiries contact the Labour Party Press Office:
Cathal McCann 01-6184302 or 0874157832
Siobhan dePaor 01-6183494 or 0851210344
Claire McGreal 01-6183989 or 0831698517