Bord Pleanála admission of error on St.Annes’s justifies judicial review

28 June 2018

Labour Party representative for Dublin Bay North, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has welcomed the admission by An Bord Pleanála that they made an error in granting planning permission to build 536 units on St. Anne’s Park.

Senator Ó Ríordáin said:

“The admission of An Bord Pleanála in the High Court today that they made an error in granting permission to the construct 536 units on playing fields adjacent to St Anne’s Park is a hugely significant development.

“The community has been completely vindicated in seeking this Judicial Review and both ‘I Love St Anne’s’ and the Clontarf Residents’ Association are to be congratulated.

“The reasons for An Bord Pleanála’s position will be made known in court on Monday July 16th but what is clear is that the application in its current form has effectively been quashed.

“Major questions have to be asked about the entire Strategic Housing Development process as An Bord Pleanála are admitting an error despite the fact that they received over 1,200 objections and the CEO of Dublin City Council and all 15 local councillors advocated for the application to be rejected.

“If this Judicial Review had not been sought there would be bulldozers on the playing fields of St. Anne’s right now.

“The fight will continue and funds will be needed and that’s who delighted to have arranged a ‘John Giles’ night on July 13th in Raheny United to help this ongoing campaign.”

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