Bus Éireann should be seeking to connect more rural communities, rather than isolate them

01 August 2018

Labour’s spokesperson for Rural and Community Affairs, Deputy Willie Penrose has called on Bus Éireann to revisit their decision to axe totally ten stops on the No. 20 and 20X bus route.

Deputy Penrose said:

“The proposed cut of 10 stops to the No. 20 and 20 X route will see huge stretches of the midlands deprived of an important transport connection between Dublin and Galway. Bus Éireann is a publicly owned state company with the responsibility to provide transport services across the country. The Government has a much promoted action plan for rural development, but once again we are seeing services restricted for those living outside our cities and towns.

“It is unacceptable that Bus Éireann would take the unilateral decision to drop ten stops serving rural communities across the Midlands without any real advance notice or consultation with the communities affected nor any plans to put alternative services in place. People travelling to work and appointments have already been seriously inconvenienced.

“I’m also really surprised that such a major change would be introduced in the middle of summer when there are also fewer students travelling to and from college and school.

“Of the ten affected stops, three of them are in Westmeath – Tyrellspass, Rochfortbridge, and Miltownpass. Towns and villages across the Midlands deserve better from the Government.

“In effect, Bus Éireann is cutting these rural communities off from connections to the rest of the country and is saying it has no responsibility to serve these townlands and villages.

“I am deeply disappointed that a state run company would take such a decision when we should be seeking to connect more rural communities, rather than isolate them.”

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