Granny Grant smacks of desperation from Independent Alliance

01 August 2018

Labour Party representative for Dún Laoghaire, Deirdre Kingston, has said the proposals for a ‘Granny Grant’ smacks of desperation from the Independent Alliance and it is clear that they do not have a grasp of the problems that parents have when it comes to accessing affordable childcare.

Councillor Kingston said:

“It is clear that silly season is well underway with Shane Ross presenting proposals today for a €1,000 grant for grandparents who look after their grandchildren for more than ten hours a week.

“While we cannot underestimate the role many grandparents across the country play in looking after their grandchildren, it is ludicrous to propose a scheme like this when so many parents are struggling to access a form of adequate and affordable childcare.

“While some are lucky to have access to their parents who are willing to look after their children, this is not the case for everyone. 

“What is needed is meaningful investment in the childcare and Early Years’ sector. We know that many talented and highly qualified early years’ educators are leaving the profession in their droves because of poor terms and conditions, exacerbating an already dire situation when it comes to childcare places.

“Rather than suggesting populist and tokenistic ideas that appeal to a small cohort, Minister Ross could have suggested professional wages for the childcare and early years’ sector. This type of proposal is par to the course for the Independent Alliance who continue to undermine State intervention.

“It’s time now for Minister Zappone to intervene and nip this short-sighted proposal in the bud and outline how exactly she plans to improve the Early Years’ sector for the benefit of both parents and those who dedicate themselves to the sector.”

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