Bacik marks the 70th Anniversary of Ireland becoming a Republic
Labour Senator Ivana Bacik was speaking in the Seanad today as the Taoiseach addressed the House. Senator Bacik marked the 70th Anniversary of Ireland becoming a Republic following the passage of the Republic of Ireland Act 1948, noting how the work of our republic is unfinished.
Later today, Sen Bacik will contribute to a panel discussion with historians and academics ‘Unexpectedly a Republic’ at the Royal Irish Academy, which will be opened by the Taoiseach, and which will reflect on the 70th anniversary of Ireland becoming a Republic and what that means today.
Sen. Bacik said;
“Further reform is needed before we can say that we live in a truly Republican state. Constitutional reform that would reflect a more modern separation of church and state is still needed and I regret that we will not have that more extensive reform before us this year.
“Along with the divorce referendum, I would also like to see us deleting the provisions in Article 41 relating to women and mothers that use such loaded and sexist language, and instead to see a gender neutral language used in the Constitution.”
Reflecting on the Labour Party’s document, ‘A New Republic’, based on the Democratic Programme 1919, Sen. Bacik said
“Further real action is needed from the government on climate change to ensure that our Republic is maintained sustainably for future generations.”