Pfizer to Prioritise Workers’ Interests Amidst Newbridge Job Losses

Senator Mark Wall
22 November 2023

Senator Mark Wall, Labour Representative for Kildare South, expressed deep concern and urgency in response to Pfizer’s recent announcement of 100 job losses at its Newbridge plant. 

Senator Wall said

“The devastating news of 100 job losses at Pfizer’s Newbridge plant is a tremendous blow to the hardworking individuals and families in Newbridge. This announcement not only affects the livelihoods of the workers directly employed at the plant but also has a ripple effect on their families and wider community. 

“Pfizer must recognise the human impact of these decisions and engage with union officials in a meaningful and constructive manner. It is imperative that the concerns and well-being of the affected workers and their families are placed at the forefront of any discussions or decisions made by Pfizer regarding these job losses.

“My office is open and ready for any workers should they need assistance at this difficult time.”

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