Children’s basic rights are being denied – Kenny

07 March 2025
  • ⁠Urges attendance at rally in Cork on Saturday
  • Parents should not be in constant battle with the State

Labour’s education spokesperson Eoghan Kenny TD said it is utterly shameful that parents of children with special or additional education needs are having to protest for their most basic rights.

Deputy Kenny has encouraged people to join these parents and send a message to Government that every child deserves the best start at life.

Deputy Kenny said:

“It is simply shameful that Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil have failed to adequately plan for school places for children with special or additional educational needs. This weekend, parents in Cork are hosting a rally to highlight the fact that at least 32 children have no school place for this coming September. This follows a sleep out by parents outside of the Department of Education in Dublin last weekend.

“It’s unbelievable that in 2025, in an economy of plenty, that parents are forced to take to the streets for the most fundamental right of their children – access to education.

“Earlier this week, I raised the ongoing crisis facing schools when it comes to providing the services pupils need. Broken promises from the Department and an utter lack of communication between the Department and school communities is simply unacceptable.

“This in the same week that the Minister for Education announced the introduction of a DEIS Plus scheme, but with no timeline and no funding commitment. It’s outrageous.

“School principals report to me that there is effectively a freeze on the recruitment of SNAs in schools and this lack of planning is deeply frustrating for the parents who are trying to cope. This was raised by the Labour Party leader Ivana Bacik with the Taoiseach directly this week, but no clarity has been brought to the situation.

“We are aware that 118 children with special needs across the country have had no offers of a school place for this year. The Taoiseach agrees with the Labour Party that parents should know the previous academic year where their child will go to school in the subsequent year, so why isn’t this being done?

“Every child deserves equal access to support and services, and it is the Government’s responsibility to make this a reality. No parent should have to take to the streets to make this point. We need to get the basics right, and give every child a fair start.”

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