CSO figures highlight the challenge single people face when buying a home

Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan has said that home ownership must be a legitimate aspiration for single people. Highlighting figures released by the CSO today, Senator Moynihan said Government needs to stop basing housing policy on joint incomes. With more than 400,000 people choosing to live alone in Ireland, our housing policy must reflect the…

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CCTV necessary to stop repeat offenders illegal dumping

Welcoming the announcement of the Government’s Circular Economy Bill, Labour Senator Mark Wall said it is welcome that Government are listening to Labour’s national campaign to end the scourge of illegal dumping. The Government Bill provides for the use of CCTV and drone footage in the prosecution of such cases, and would be extremely useful…

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Financial Stability Review evidence that pandemic supports must continue

Commenting on the Central Bank’s Financial Stability Review, Labour finance spokesperson Ged Nash said:  “This has been an extraordinarily hard time on people and families. It’s clear from the Central Bank’s review that the economic supports for those impacted by the pandemic have been vital in absorbing the shock to households. The Government must now…

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Govt must learn from Children’s Ombudsman report in building Catch Up Scheme

Labour children spokesperson Ivana Bacik has welcomed the publication of the ‘Childhood Paused’ report by the Children’s Ombudsman, and has called on Government to apply the findings to the development of its Catch Up for Children Scheme. Echoing the comments made by the Ombudsman, Senator Bacik said there cannot be a return to normal. The…

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National Childcare Scheme is excluding the most vulnerable children in our country

Yesterday evening, Labour Senator Marie Sherlock co-hosted a meeting with early years services from right across the country, along with Labour spokesperson on Children Senator Ivana Bacik. Speaking after the meeting, Senator Sherlock said:  “The Minister for Children needs to sit up and listen: the reality is that the new National Childcare Scheme is excluding some…

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Data Protection Commission shares Moynihan concerns about estate agents collection of personal information

The office of the Data Protection Commissioner has confirmed to Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan that it shares our concerns regarding the collection of personal data for the purpose of viewing show houses. Senator Moynihan said: “The practice of requiring excessive financial information for people to view properties is wrong and potentially a breach of…

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Evictions continued during pandemic – renters strategy needed

Double rent increase loophole still open to landlords Renters need a break With figures from the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) showing that more than 1,100 households that are renting were given eviction notices over the last 10 months despite a Government ban supposedly in place, Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan has called for a comprehensive…

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Labour backs call for 100% redress for MICA homes

The Labour Party backed the campaign for 100% redress for those impacted by Mica in Donegal and the North West, and speaking in the Seanad, Labour Senator Marie Sherlock pledged support saying:  “The Mica crisis in Inishowen and other parts of the North West must be addressed. I have been going to Carndonagh regularly for…

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Labour writes to the Competition Authority regarding first time buyer’s information

Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan has written to the Competition Authority following concerning reports of excess information being required by estate agents from first time buyers. Savills Estate Agents have asked for significant amounts of information, including “full proof of funds”, to show houses in Lucan. Senator Moynihan said: “I have written to the Competition…

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Public confirmation of earlier appointments for AstraZeneca needed

Will everyone waiting have a date by mid-July? Are supplies confirmed? After raising again in the Dáil the need to reduce the 12 week gap between doses of AstraZeneca, Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly criticised the Taoiseach for repeating previous answers, and called for public confirmation that those waiting for their second dose are now…

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Pobal Figures Show Early Childhood Education and Care remains a sector let down by Government

Following the publication of the Annual Early Years Sector Profile Report for 2019/2020, Labour Spokesperson on childcare and candidate in the upcoming Dublin Bay South bye-election, Senator Ivana Bacik has said that there is a clear and obvious need to move quickly towards a model of universal public childcare as costs continue to spiral in…

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A National Register must be developed for life saving defibrillators

State should consider a repair and upkeep scheme for defibs All schools should have defibs installed Labour sports spokesperson Mark Wall has called on the Minister for Sport to urgently develop a national register of all defibrillators in the country. Speaking in the Seanad today, Senator Wall said the State must consider a repair and…

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Radical Land Bill would reduce the cost of new homes by tens of thousands if implemented

Labour’s new Land Bill due for debate in the Dáil on Wednesday would give local authorities the power to do CPO development land at its existing use value plus 25%. The Land Bill would enact key recommendation of the 1973 ‘Kenny Report’ that FG and FF have blocked for decades. Bill would tackle land hoarding…

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House price inflation out of control – action not words required from Govt

Labour’s new Land Bill due for debate in the Dáil on Wednesday would give local authorities the power to CPO development land at its existing use value plus 25%. The Land Bill would enact key recommendation of 1973 ‘Kenny Report’ that FG and FG have blocked for decades. Bill would tackle land hoarding and speculation…

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Tánaiste kite-flying on tax reveals lack of substantive thought

Labour Party Spokesperson on Finance Ged Nash has described today’s comments from the Tánaiste on income tax cuts as “standard election related kite-flying by Fine Gael” that “reveals the party’s obsession with Sunday morning headlines over real, sustainable policy development.” Mr Nash said that Ireland needed to engage in some serous thinking on economic matters…

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Hands-off approach to aviation from Govt must end – Smith asks for Dáil debate

Emergency Dáil debate needed as 480 jobs lost and regional connectivity devastated. Clairty needed on what was done to save PSO routes. Constant delay on antigen testing unacceptable. After Stobart Air ceased operations impacting 480 jobs and causing a devestating loss of regional connectivity, Labour Transport spokesperson Duncan Smith said the hands-off approach from government…

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Labour proposes direct investment in school football

With Euro2020 finally kicking off, the Labour Party have published a new proposal calling for the creation of a transition year programme in participating schools to develop a football academy structure. The proposal was published by Education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin together with Sports spokesperson Senator Mark Wall, and youth spokesperson Senator Ivana Bacik. Deputy…

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Failure to freeze rents and secure tenancies in latest Govt proposals

Responding to the tenancy measures announced by the Minister for Housing today, Labour Housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan said there were but that what’s proposed it will do very little to protect the vast majority of renters. Senator Moynihan said: “It sums up the failure of this government’s housing policy that this will be the fifth…

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Sick pay proposals are here – at last – but concerns remain for low-paid workers

Labour’s employment spokesperson Senator Marie Sherlock has said that the memo from cabinet, while late, is welcome – but expressed serious concern over the impact of the Government’s sick leave proposals on low-paid and younger workers.   Speaking after the Tánaiste’s announcement, Senator Sherlock said: “While much of today’s announcement is welcome, it is also severely…

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Afforestation targets are key to climate action bill

Amendment to set afforestation targets ruled out of order Speaking at the Committee Stage of the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Bill 2021, Labour Party Agricultural spokesperson Seán Sherlock TD said that afforestation targets are a key part to delivering a successful bill. Unfortunately, an amendment on afforestation targets from Deputy Sherlock was…

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Ivana Bacik outlines vision for Dublin Bay South

Labour candidate in the Dublin Bay South bye-election, Ivana Bacik, today officially launched her campaign and outlined her priorities for Dublin Bay South. Joined by Labour Party Leader, Alan Kelly, TD, and members of the Parliamentary Labour Party at Wilton Terrace in the constituency, Ivana Bacik said that housing, care, climate and community were the…

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Public Childcare model needed as costs spiral for parents

Responding to the Irish Independent report that parents are facing increased childcare costs of up to 20%, Labour spokesperson Ivana Bacik said there was an urgent need for a public childcare option, and called on the government to act. Senator Bacik said: “Childcare price increases of 20% are simply unsustainable for parents. It demonstrates again…

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Certainty now needed on supplies to reduce AstraZeneca Gap

More information needed on how many will benefit. While it is welcome that there will be some movement to reduce down to 8 weeks the gap between AstraZeneca doses, Labour Leader Alan Kelly said that the public need more certainty on when this will be implemented and what the status of supplies are. Deputy Kelly…

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Homes should be affordable for single people too

Government rejects Labour amendment to make 20% of affordable housing available for single income households Speaking after a debate on affordable housing, Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan has said Government’s decision not to accept Labour’s amendment to make 20% of affordable housing available for single income households sets a dangerous precedent. Senator Moynihan said: “Our…

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