‘Our Rural Future’ cannot become another false dawn

Mostly a repackaging of already flagged proposals and plans. No new financial commitments beyond examining proposals. Responding to the publication today of ‘Our Rural Future’, Labour spokesperson Seán Sherlock said that it must not become a false dawn like the 2017 Action Plan on Rural Development, and that crucial to its delivery will be high…

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Only 1 extra HSA inspector hired since Govt formed reveals Sherlock

No extra HSA inspectors hired in second half of 2020. Only one Inspector hired so far in 2021, another two due by April. 802 Covid related complaints so far in 2021. Labour Employment spokesperson Senator Marie Sherlock has said she is very concerned at the failure to increase the number of Health and Safety Authority…

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Accountability still needed for Beacon

Will NTPF and outsourcing work given to the Beacon by reconsidered while CEO remains in place? Labour Party leader Alan Kelly, responding to the belated but welcome decision of the Health Minister to suspend vaccinations at the Beacon, and comments from the Taoiseach, said: “The Taoiseach and the Minister for Health have failed again to…

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Constructive engagement on Labour Citizenship Bill Born Here Belong Here Campaign

At 2pm today, Friday 26th March 2021, the ‘Committee Stage’ debate on Labour’s Irish Nationality and Citizenship (Naturalisation of Minors Born in Ireland) Bill 2018 was adjourned without a vote following agreement with Minister for Justice Helen McEntee and her officials on the implementation of certain elements of the Bill. Speaking after the adjournment of…

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Insurance industry inertia unacceptable – time to treat customers fairly

Labour finance spokesperson Ged Nash TD has reiterated his call for the insurance industry to offer rebates to motor insurance customers. While some companies gave a small gesture to customers last year, there have been no moves to do the same this year. Traffic volumes remain low in 2021 as people stay within their 5km…

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Beacon CEO has undermined entire vaccine process – he must go

Reacting to the news that the CEO of the Beacon hospital facilitated the vaccination of teachers in his children’s school, Labour leader Alan Kelly has called for the resignation of the CEO. Deputy Kelly said:  “The actions of the CEO are scandalous and his position is now entirely untenable. Giving vaccines to teachers in his…

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Minister for Health must answer questions about Department dossier

Following revelations in an RTÉ Investigates report into the mistreatment of information relating to the families of children with special educational needs, Labour leader and health spokesperson Alan Kelly has called on the Minister to come before the Dáil and explain if this is a common practice carried out by the Department. Deputy Kelly called…

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Drogheda review a step in right direction for town

Department of Justice-led scoping review a wake-up call for national and local government. Government must immediately fund urgent drug service and education measures. Implementation of the 73 recommendations can transform the area. Labour TD for Louth & East Meath Ged Nash, commenting on the publication of the Department of Justice-led ‘Drogheda; Creating a Bridge to…

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Minister must confirm that school meals will continue during Easter break

Senator highlights need for €100m ‘Catch-Up for Children’ scheme focused on vulnerable children With the Easter break approaching, Labour Senator Rebecca Moynihan has called on the Minister for Social Protection to confirm that school meals will continue to be made available to children during the holidays. Senator Moynihan said: “The SVP report issued yesterday is…

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Labour launch Bill to introduce carbon labelling

Bill would introduce carbon footprint information on all products Labour climate spokesperson Duncan Smith has today introduced a Bill into Dáil Éireann which would introduce carbon labelling on all products. The National Standards Authority of Ireland (Carbon Footprint Labelling) Bill 2021 would empower consumers to make decisions based on the carbon footprint of a products,…

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Hammer must fall on culture of impunity in banking

12 years on and not a single individual have been made accountable their role in the Tracker Mortgage Scandal Unacceptable three year delay by Minister for Finance in introducing Senior Executive Accountability Regime for bankers €38 million fine for Ulster Bank will not undo damage to countless lives In response to the imposition of a…

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Oireachtas must follow New Zealand’s example and pass Reproductive Health Related Leave Bill

Labour Seanad Group Leader and Party Spokesperson for Children, Disability, Equality and Integration Senator Ivana Bacik has extended warm congratulations to New Zealand Labour MP, Ginny Andersen, on the success of her bill to provide for leave for employees who have suffered the tragedy of  miscarriage or still birth. Praising the unanimous support for the…

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Ahern launches campaign for Seanad Industrial and Commercial panel by-election

Ciarán Ahern of the Labour Party has launched his campaign for the upcoming Seanad Industrial and Commercial panel by-election Mr Ahern, a director of the charity Calcutta Connect and an employment solicitor, is running to be a voice for a younger generation that wants Ireland organised differently. In a video released last week Mr Ahern…

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Urgent action needed to end housing crisis

Following the ESRI’s report this morning that Ireland’s housing crisis is set to come under further pressure from the pandemic, Labour housing spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan called on the Minister to immediately detail a plan to catch up with and increase the urgent supply required to meet demand. “Not a person in the country will…

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U-turn on face masks welcome but unnecessary stress caused

Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has welcomed the Minister for Education’s u-turn on the wearing of masks for oral examinations. However Deputy Ó Ríordáin criticised the Department for the unnecessary stress and concern caused by the incident, calling for strict adherence to public health advice on all matters relating to education. Deputy Ó Ríordáin…

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Revised Climate Action Plan must be aligned with new Climate Bill

Labour Party Spokesperson on Climate Action, Duncan Smith, has cautiously welcomed the publication of a revised Climate Action Bill but said lots of work is still needed to strengthen the bill.  When the Bill eventually becomes law, the real challenge will be how the revised Climate Action Plan is aligned to targets and displays the…

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Labour to amend LDA Bill to include provisions for the Travelling community

In light of the Government’s disregard of the Travelling Community in the Land Development Agency (LDA) Bill, the Labour Party has put forward an amendment to compel Government to use public lands for culturally appropriate housing for members of the Travelling Community. Labour housing spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan said there is a need to include…

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Need to keep the domestic tourism discovery going

One-stop shop for tourism training must be introduced Local authorities need road map to make the most of outdoor dining Government cobbled together Stay and Spend scheme needs rethink Speaking in the Seanad, Labour tourism spokesperson Senator Mark Wall called on Government to heed the calls of the domestic tourism industry to take action to…

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Review of LGBTQ parental rights should be published

Speaking in the Seanad today, Labour Senator Annie Hoey called on the Government to commit to publishing the report by Dr Conor O’Mahony on the review of LGBTQ parental rights, commissioned by the last government. The report has been with Minister O’Gorman since December 2020. Senator Hoey said: “In early 2020, under the previous Government,…

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Ball in HSE’s court to provide specialist therapist for School for the Deaf

Labour Senator Marie Sherlock has welcomed the commitment from Minister Rabbitte to permanently retain a specialist speech and language therapist for Cabra School for the Deaf, however has reiterated that the fight is not fully won until the HSE commit to same. Senator Sherlock said that the ball is now in the HSE’s court to…

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Three in every four Irish people know at least one person with a gambling addiction

80% in favour of a ban on gambling advertising 80% have noticed a recent increase in gambling ads 63% agree that ads make them more likely to gamble 25% gambling once a month or more Research carried out by the Labour Party has found that almost three quarters (73.5%) of Irish people know a problem…

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Deliveroo must stop hiding behind legislation in failing to have sick pay

Labour Party Spokesperson on Employment Affairs Senator Marie Sherlock met with representatives from Deliveroo this afternoon, where she urged the company to engage with their workers and with the trade union movement in relation to the serious concerns around the workers’ pay and conditions. Senator Sherlock said: “A lack of sick pay, no assistance from…

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Government must not allow any further delays to vaccine rollout

Following the EMA’s decision to give the green light to the AstraZeneca vaccine, Labour leader and health spokesperson Alan Kelly has asked the Minister for Health to confirm that the 30,000 people who missed out on receiving the vaccine this week would be caught up with next week. In light of the continuing high levels…

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Government’s haphazard approach to rental sector must end now

Labour housing spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan has called on the Government to end the stop start approach to managing the eviction ban put in place in recognition of the impact of the pandemic on employment. Speaking today, Senator Moynihan urged the Government to use the current state of play in the rental market to take…

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