Teaching solutions needed now for children with special needs

Engagement with representative bodies an immediate priority. Vaccination schedule for school workers and special needs students essential. Doubling of July Provision must be considered. Labour Education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called on the Minister for Education to use the weekend to progress teaching solutions for children with additional and special needs. Deputy Ó Ríordáin…

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Extension to the Sports Capital and Equipment Grant Application Required

Following discussions with clubs and groups throughout the country, Labour Sports spokesperson, Senator Mark Wall, has called on the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport to extend the deadline of the Sports Capital and Equipment Grant application. With the necessity to eliminate personal contact, clubs and societies are reporting problems in obtaining the expert assistance…

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Where are the supports for Working Parents in this lockdown?

Expectation of “flexibility” by employers is not enough. Clear supports and choices needed. With working parents forced again to juggle homeschooling and their work, Labour spokesperson Marie Sherlock has said it is hugely disappointing to see no effort made by Government since Wednesday to recognise and resolve the very significant challenges. Senator Sherlock said: “The…

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Government must meet the cost of refunding creche fees

As the confusion over childcare costs continues, Labour spokesperson on Children, Senator Ivana Bacik, has reiterated her call to Government to ensure that parents who have paid creche fees but cannot access the service are compensated. The Government must step up and meet this cost for providers.    She said: “I am reiterating my call to…

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Statement on the death of former Labour Senator Jim Townsend

Labour Party Leader, Alan Kelly TD, has extended his sympathy to the family and friends of former Labour Party Senator Jim Townsend who was a faithful stalwart of the Labour Party in County Carlow over many years. Deputy Kelly said: “I was saddened to learn today of the death of our long standing and loyal…

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Banks Must Re-Introduce Full COVID-19 Payment Breaks

Irish Banks must re-introduce “blanket” Covid-19 payment breaks, like the first six months of the pandemic, for personal and businesses as permitted under European Banking Authority (EBA) guidance Full COVID-19 breaks should be re-introduced for customers if they have previously availed of a break or not Borrowers should not have credit rating damaged by the…

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Leaving Cert student decision taken without NPHET consultation must be reversed

Decision was well intentioned but ill-judged Any decision to facilitate in-class teaching must be made in consultation with unions Minister must now make a decision regarding this year’s Leaving Cert examinations Following yesterday’s announcement by the Minister for Education to allow in-class teaching for Leaving Cert students, Labour Education Spokesperson, Aódhán Ó Ríordáin TD, has…

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Government should nationalise some private hospitals and secure extra capacity now

Beds are rapidly filling and private hospitals have failed to agree terms with HSE. Too little too late again from the government when we need decisiveness Labour Party Leader, Alan Kelly TD, has called on the Minister for Health to outline exactly what level of capacity is guaranteed available from private hospitals for public use…

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Moynihan Calls for “Stay At Home” Payment for Low Income Families

Government should give €150 payment during school lockdown modelled on Back to School support Families face additional heating and IT costs with children at home during lockdown Low income families must be supported with the additional costs of schooling at home   Following yesterday’s announcement that schools will remain closed until the end of January, Labour Senator…

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Urgent update required to the Homeless COVID Strategy

Recent increase in homeless deaths show updated Homeless COVID Strategy needed  Government should ensure that there is an isolation bed for everyone who requests it  People living in homeless accommodation or sleeping rough must be prioritised as a vulnerable person for vaccine   Labour Party Housing Spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan has called for an updated Homeless…

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Bottled decision on travel testing doesn’t go far enough – new policy is window dressing

No date for PCR test requirement for passengers arriving from other red zones. Asking arriving passengers from UK and South Africa to show clear tests up to 3 days old doesn’t go far enough. Compulsory testing on arrival with rigorous follow up needed. The new rules requiring PCR tests for arrivals from Britain and South…

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Increase Mobile Data Allowances to Support Disadvantaged Children Learning from Home – Sherlock

In response to the Government’s decision to close schools, Senator Marie Sherlock has called for increased data allowances to support disadvantaged children to continue learning online. Senator Sherlock said: “We need telecoms providers in the Irish market to follow the lead of their counterparts in the UK, many of whom operate here as well, to…

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Assurances needed on safety concerns and access to vaccines in Childcare sector

The Government must clarify how childcare providers will be supported to continue care for children of essential workers. Childcare workers must have early access to the Covid-19 vaccine. Parents who have paid creche fees but cannot access the service must be compensated.   Responding to the Government proposals on childcare today, Labour spokesperson on Children,…

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Priority must be hospital capacity and supporting frontline healthcare workers

  Private hospital capacity must be urgently secured. Healthcare staff shortages are a huge concern now.   The rising hospitalisation rates and impact of soaring Covid cases on frontline healthcare workers must be the priority of the government over coming days said Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly calling for assurances that capacity has been secured…

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Confirmation of NPHET sanction for Leaving Cert provisions needed

Clarity on schools welcome but Government continue to firefight this issue   Labour Education Spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD, has welcomed the clarity around the availability in-class learning for Leaving Cert students and students with special needs, however the Labour Party want to ensure that the Leaving Cert provisions have been sanctioned by NPHET. Speaking…

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Fuel Allowance should be paid to those on PUP payments during Winter Lockdown

Hundreds of thousands of workers will be confined to home over coming weeks. January is one of the coldest months of the year with low temperatures forecast this week. €28 weekly fuel allowance should be provided to households where only income is the PUP. With a cold weather snap starting, and hundreds of thousands of…

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72 hr old Covid clear test from arriving passengers too little too late

Asking arriving passengers to show clear tests up to 3 days old doesn’t go far enough. Compulsory testing on arrival with rigorous follow up needed. Reacting to the news that the government will now finally require a clear Covid 19 test from arriving passengers Labour Transport spokesperson Duncan Smith said:“For months I have called for…

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Government must fund broadcast of educational content during school closures

January must not be lost month for many school pupils Government needs to allocate serious resources to broadcast educational content. BBC producing content next week – RTÉ and others have critical role to play. With the prospect of school pupils out of the physical classroom for the month of January, Labour spokesperson for Media Affairs,…

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Pathway for in-school tuition for Leaving Cert students must be investigated

Investigation required into the possibility of providing in-school tuition for Leaving Cert 2021 The class of 2021 missed 11 weeks of in-school tuition in 2020, and will potentially miss a further four weeks in 2021 Minister for Education must find solutions and communicate clearly with students and teachers   Labour Education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin…

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Student Nurses and Midwives must be paid as healthcare assistants as Covid cases rise

€100 a week grant for students not good enough and pay must be backdated to September. Students should be paid again at healthcare assistant rate to reflect higher risk in health service as proposed in Labour Party Bill. Minister should meet with union representatives today and do the right thing. With acute hospitals under severe…

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Confirmation needed that School Meals will continue during lockdown

With schools unlikely to reopen Minister must confirm meals will be available. Weekly food parcels and vouchers were provided in first lockdown. A bonus child benefit payment in January should also be considered to help parents meet extra costs. With schools unlikely to reopen next week, Labour Senator Rebecca Moynihan has called on the Minister…

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Housing Minister needs to be clear on status of Co-living Applications

Labour Housing Spokesperson, Senator Rebecca Moynihan has said that the Housing Minister to clarify the status of co-living applications submitted after his ban was announced.  Senator Moynihan was speaking after a number of applications have been made to An Bord Pleanála after the ban was announced and the Minister issued a circular to planning authorities…

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Plan for continued teaching for some cohorts needed if schools remain closed

If schools are to remain closed after January 11th, there must be some middle ground solution between full closure and all attending, said Labour Education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, calling for teaching solutions to be put in place for certain categories of students as has been done in other countries, but reiterated the Labour Party…

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Certainty needed for parents and childcare operators on who should access services

Current crisis demonstrates need for a publicly funded system of childcare and early childhood education. Labour spokesperson on Children, Senator Ivana Bacik has called for the government and Minister O Gorman to give parents and childcare operators certainty on plans for re-opening, and on the definition of essential workers. She has also backed the call…

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