Extension to the Sports Capital and Equipment Grant Application Required

Senator Mark Wall
08 January 2021

Following discussions with clubs and groups throughout the country, Labour Sports spokesperson, Senator Mark Wall, has called on the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport to extend the deadline of the Sports Capital and Equipment Grant application. With the necessity to eliminate personal contact, clubs and societies are reporting problems in obtaining the expert assistance necessary to finalise applications.


Calling for the extension, Senator Wall said: “I am asking the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport to consider extending the deadline of the Sports Capital and Equipment Grant application closing date beyond February 12th. I have been contacted by clubs and groups across the country who are not in a position to meet due to the restrictions, and are concerned that they could lose out on this much needed funding.


“We are all aware of problems obtaining expert advice to assist in drawing up the various applications that clubs are considering at this time. 2020 has been a very difficult year for clubs and sporting organisations across the country, and with over €40 million available to groups, no club should be disadvantaged in applying for this vital funding.


“This is such a worthwhile grant which has the full support of the Labour Party. Sporting organisations are the lifeblood of our communities and have played an important role in the mental and physical wellbeing of participants and spectators during the pandemic. This funding is more crucial than ever given the severe financial pressure groups are experiencing due to the impact of COVID-19.


“Given the necessary Level 5 that our country is in now, an extension to the closing date would be welcomed by all. I urge the Minister to consider a request to extend the deadline beyond February 12th.”


The Sports Capital and Equipment Programme is the State’s primary vehicle for supporting the development of sports facilities and the purchase of non-personal sports equipment. 

The programme funds:

  • Natural grass sports pitches, tracks and courts (including pitch drainage)
  • Energy Efficient Floodlighting
  • Artificial sports pitches, tracks, courts and multi-use games areas
  • Security fencing, ball stop netting and goal posts
  • Hurling walls / handball alleys
  • Building or refurbishment of dressing rooms, showers and toilets
  • Building or refurbishment of sports halls and gyms
  • Non-personal sports equipment
  • Limited Covid related works/equipment
  • Modifications to sports facilities to reduce energy consumption
  • Any other capital projects that are clearly sporting in nature and that will increase participation in sport or improve performance

Further information about the programme can be found at https://www.gov.ie/sportscapital

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