Disgraceful that home help staff are not being tested for Covid-19

Labour Leader and Health Spokesperson Alan Kelly T.D has slammed and the described as disgraceful the fact that home help staff are not being regularly testing for Covid-19 despite coming into close contact with elderly and high-risk people on a regular basis in the community. Deputy Kelly was speaking after receiving a reply to a…

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Ó Ríordáin congratulates school secretaries on a successful campaign

Speaking after Fórsa secured agreement from the Department of Education and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform to regularise the pay conditions and pensions of block grant paid school secretaries and caretakers, Labour Education Spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has congratulated Fórsa and the school secretaries for a successful campaign. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “School…

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Minister should not have commenced the CervicalCheck Tribunal without dealing with issues raised by the 221+ group

Speaking after the regulations allowing the CervicalCheck Tribunal came into force today, Labour Leader and Health Spokesperson Alan Kelly said the Minister should not have signed the Statutory Instrument allowing the tribunal to kick in before dealing with the issues raised by the 221+ group on Friday.  Deputy Kelly said: “The 221+ group met with…

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Covid-19 Adaptation Fund for hospitality must be extended to all restaurants and cafés

Labour Leader Alan Kelly has called on the Government to ensure the Covid-19 Adaptation Fund for hospitality/tourism is extended to all cafés and restaurants. In order to qualify for the grant at present, a restaurant or café must either have a Wine Retailer’s On-Licence or a Special Restaurant Licence and must provide proof of this…

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Affordable/cost rental must be a priority for the Government

Labour Housing Spokesperson, Senator Rebecca Moynihan says the Government must prioritise cost/affordable rental. Senator Moynihan was speaking after the release of CSO figures showing that people who live in rental accommodation are at most risk of consistent poverty. The CSO analysis shows that 13.5% of those who live in rental accommodation are in consistent poverty…

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Minister’s apparent U-turn on co-living – disappointing and dispiriting

Minister has fudged the issue since he took office Already an oversupply of shared accommodation Speaking after it was revealed in the Sunday Times that a report by Department of Housing officials has made a strong case to Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien not to outlaw “the shared accommodation model, Labour Housing Spokesperson, Senator Rebecca Moynihan…

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PUP Payments should not affect SUSI Grant application

Labour Spokesperson on Higher Education Senator Annie Hoey is calling for any and all Pandemic Unemployment Payments to be automatically included in the income disregard for applicants to the SUSI grant scheme.   Senator Hoey said:   “It has come to my attention that students who have been in receipt of the PUP payment are…

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Minister must attend Oireachtas Education Committee after hand sanitiser bungle

Answers needed as to why it took the Department two days to tell schools to withdraw the faulty hand sanitiser after it emerged they knew on Tuesday. Labour T.D Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has written to the Chair of the Oireachtas Education Committee to ask him to convene an extraordinary meeting next week and to ask…

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Mother & Baby Homes Bill’s passage highlights continued need to engage with survivors

Speaking on the passage of the Commission of Investigation (Mother and Baby Homes and certain related Matters) Records, and another Matter, Bill 2020, Labour Group Seanad leader and Spokesperson for Children, Disability, Equality & Integration, Senator Ivana Bacik has highlighted Labour’s concerns about the legislation. She also highlighted the need for thorough debate on the Commission’s report once it…

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Answers needed on why Covid testing centre will close due to staff shortages

Donnelly needs to address the impact this will have on testing and what contingency measures will be put in place Answers are needed on the National Virus Reference Laboratory testing facility, the country’s largest Covid-19 testing facility will close for two weekends due to staff shortages according to Labour Leader Alan Kelly. Deputy Kelly said…

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Answers needed on delay in recalling hand sanitiser

Audit needed of all the products used in schools and system that verifies that they are safe Issuing a press release at 11pm effectively closing affected schools is not acceptable Labour Education Spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has said an explanation is needed on why it took the Department of Education three days to recall Vira…

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Utility disconnection ban must be reinstated as we enter Level 5

Labour Senator Marie Sherlock has called on the Commission for the Regulation of Utilities (CRU) to reinstate the moratorium on utility disconnections which existed from March until June, as the country enters Level 5 Covid-19 restrictions. The CRU announced an initial moratorium on utility disconnections to assist vulnerable people during the first wave of the…

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Changes to FF Renters Bill weak and watery – will not protect renters

The changes to the Fianna Fáil Residential Tenancies Bill being brought through the Oireachtas at the moment do not go far enough and will not protect renters according to Labour Housing Spokesperson, Senator Rebecca Moynihan. The Labour Party are proposing an amendments to the Bill in the Seanad. Senator Moynihan said: “The moratorium on evictions…

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Restrictions on partners in maternity hospitals need to be reviewed on compassionate grounds

Labour Leader Alan Kelly has called on the Government to consider modifying the restrictions on partners not being allowed to accompany or visit expectant mothers during and after pregnancy. Speaking at Leader’s Questions, Deputy Kelly urged the Tánaiste to change the restrictions on compassionate grounds. Deputy Kelly said: “I was struck by Áine, a constituent…

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Nigerian Ambassador should be called in after multiple killings of peaceful protestors

Amnesty describes shootings of protestors as extrajudicial executions. Those responsible must be held accountable. Responding to the lethal use of force against peaceful protestors in Nigeria, Labour Foreign Affairs spokesperson Brendan Howlin condemned the state led violence, and the indiscriminate killing of people in response to protests against police violence, and said the Minister for…

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GAA games over next few weeks should be free to air

Sky Sports and GAA should allow games to be broadcast on free to air channels over next six weeks. With eight upcoming senior GAA inter-county games only available to view with a Sky Sports subscription, Labour Sport spokesperson Mark Wall has called on the games to be made free to air when people are confined…

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Bacik Welcomes Publication of Day Report on Direct Provision

Reacting to the publication of a report on Direct Provision, compiled by an Expert Group chaired by Dr. Catherine Day, Labour Seanad Group Leader and spokesperson for Children, Disability, Equality & Integration Ivana Bacik said, “I am really glad to see this report published today and commend Dr. Day for her work, as well as Doras,…

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Minister should clarify if he raised Ulster Bank loan book sale reports with company management

Ulster Bank management must engage meaningfully with Financial Services Union (FSU) at the earliest opportunity Moratorium on economic lay-offs needed for banking sector, starting with banks part-owned by State Labour’s Finance Spokesperson Ged Nash TD has called on the Minister for Finance to clarify if he raised reports of a possible sell-off of Ulster Bank’s…

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Answers needed on failing tracing system

Government needs to address why the tracing system has not been properly resourced Answers are needed on the failing tracing system according to Labour Leader Alan Kelly who was speaking at Leaders Questions after it was revealed in the Irish Times that thousands of close contacts of positive Covid-19 cases from over a three day…

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Need for a clear public information campaign on social bubbling

Rules need to emphasise the exclusivity of the bubble  There is a need for a clear public information campaign on social bubbling according to Labour Senator, Rebecca Moynihan who was speaking after the Government updated the advice on social bubbles to allow any two people living alone to form a social bubble. Senator Moynihan said:…

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Sea Going Service Commitment, while welcome will not address retention crisis in the Naval Service

Minister needs to increase Patrol Duty Allowance Proposed payment discriminates against young sailors   Labour Defence Spokesperson, Senator Mark Wall says the announcement by the Minister for Defence Simon Coveney of a proposed “Sea Going Service Commitment” while a step in the right direction, will not address the retention crisis in the naval service  …

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Mortgage and loan payment break essential for laid-off workers and struggling business owners

Long term strategy needed for payment breaks in any future lockdowns Borrowers should not have credit rating damaged by six week lockdown With thousands of workers due to be laid off from Wednesday night, Labour Finance spokesperson Ged Nash has called on the government to act urgently and ensure the banks provide for formal mortgage…

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Eviction ban should be extended until March

Labour Housing Spokesperson, Senator Rebecca Moynihan has called for the eviction ban to be extended until at least March following the announcement that the Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien is to bring a memo to Cabinet to ban evictions for the six-week period of Level 5 restrictions. Senator Moynihan said: “We don’t know what the trajectory…

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Strategy with clear targets for reopening must give people hope for Christmas over next six weeks

Government finally sees sense on restoration of supports for workers and families. Measurable targets for reopening of country needed so we can build hope for Christmas. Clear guidance on Labour’s proposal for social support bubbles essential. Nationalising private hospital capacity must be considered. Responding to the move to Level 5 tonight, Labour Party Leader Alan…

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