July stimulus is a missed opportunity for housing

Nothing for renters More of the same failed approach The July stimulus is a missed opportunity for housing with nothing for renters according to Labour Housing Spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan. Senator Moynihan said: “It is clear from what has been announced today that Housing obviously wasn’t the priority for the Government’s July stimulus. I am disappointed…

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July Stimulus lacks real ambition and fails Labour’s five tests

Labour call for VAT cut endorsed by plan, but reduction must find its way into people’s pockets The Government has failed to meet Labour’s Five Tests for the July Stimulus, said Labour Finance and Public Spending spokesperson Ged Nash TD. The package, he said, lacks ambition and fails to put real money in people’s pockets…

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Expansion of rent supplement needed as part of July stimulus

The expansion of rent supplement is needed as part of the July stimulus according to Labour Housing Spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan. Senator Moynihan said:  “Many of the people availing of the Pandemic Unemployment Payment are in receipt of rent supplement. The Minister needs to expand the criteria for rent supplement to ensure people are given…

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Minister needs to come into the Dáil and answer specific questions about schools reopening

The Minister for Education needs to come into the Dáil and answer specific questions about the reopening of schools according to Labour Education Spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin. Ó Ríordáin was speaking after Tánaiste Leo Varadkar refused to confirm to Labour Leader, Alan Kelly during Leaders Questions that Minister Norma Foley would come into the Dáil…

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Principle of Mutual solidarity in EU Budget welcome

Speaking in the Dáil debate on the recent EU Council meeting, Labour’s spokesperson on Foreign Affairs and Brexit, Brendan Howlin TD, welcomed the fact that the EU has now adopted the principle of mutual solidarity in its budget for the first time. Speaking in relation to this, Brendan said: “The 27 heads of government who…

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We cannot allow the fate of Debenhams workers to be repeated

The terrible treatment of the Debenhams workers must not become the fate of other workers in the retail sector, according to Labour Employment spokesperson Senator Marie Sherlock. Speaking after a meeting with Debenhams workers and their Mandate trade union representatives, Senator Sherlock said: “The Debenhams workers are the victims of outrageous behaviour by their former…

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Statement by Alan Kelly T.D on the death of Dr. Syed Waqqar Ali

Commenting on the passing of Dr. Syed Waqqar Ali, a doctor in the Mater hospital who died of Covid-19, Labour Leader, Alan Kelly TD, said: “I would like to offer my condolences and those of the Labour Party to the family and colleagues of Dr. Syed Waqqar Ali. “The death of Dr. Ali is a…

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Need for measures to counteract growing inequalities among children

Speaking today to welcome the publication of the ESRI report ‘Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Policy in Relation to Children and Young People,’ Senator Ivana Bacik called on the Government to take measures to counteract the way in which the pandemic and associated restrictions have brought about an exacerbation of pre-existing inequalities for children…

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Increased SUSI grants needed too

While the government has doubled the funding for the Student Assistance Fund, Labour Higher Education spokesperson Annie Hoey said that the Minister should have secured increases to SUSI grants and thresholds to support as many as possible too. Senator Hoey said:“The Cabinet have decided to double the funding for the Student Assistance Fund but have…

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Public must be reassured on travel following Green List shambles

Definition of essential travel and publication of health advice needed. Lack of measures to assure public worrying. Following the Cabinet decision last night the Government must draw a line under the shambles over the Green list and concerns about unregulated quarantine for visitors here, said Labour Transport spokesperson Duncan Smith by publishing a clear definition…

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Minister should not rely on developers to assess the public health implications of co-living developments

The Housing Minister should not rely on developers to assess the public health implications of their own co-living developments according to Labour Housing Spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan. Moynihan was speaking after the property group Bartra Capital, who have submitted several applications for co-living developments claimed that the risk of contracting Covid-19 in its shared co-living developments…

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Short term extension to rent freeze unacceptable – Moynihan

The short-term extension to the rent freeze by 11 days until August 1st is unacceptable according to Labour Housing Spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan. Moynihan was speaking after it was revealed that the rent freeze and eviction ban will end on August 1st and that legislation which we haven’t seen the detail of will be enacted before the break.Senator…

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Labour calls for universal public childcare system

Labour Party Spokespersons have today called on Government to move quickly to properly resource the childcare and early years sector and to take steps towards introduction of a universal public childcare system in keeping with Labour party policy on childcare. These calls are made in advance of a motion on childcare before the Dáil and…

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Government staycation subsidy in September is too little too late for the Irish tourism sector 

Waiting until September to introduce a staycation subsidy will be too little too late for the Irish tourism sector according to Labour Spokesperson on Tourism and Sport, Senator Mark Wall who was reacting to reports that the subsidy expected to be announced as part of the July stimulus will not be introduced until September.  Senator…

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Scale of EU funds not large enough

With the final grant package agreed at the EU summit last night over 20% less than was planned, Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly said the scale of funding was not large enough, and the compromise on the overall EU budget was disappointing with reductions to planned climate and research funding, adding he hoped the July…

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Government risks a childcare crisis in September – certainty is required now – Sherlock

Labour Party Spokesperson on Employment Affairs, Senator Marie Sherlock has called on Government to move quickly to properly resource the early years sector, saying that there is significant risk of a full-blown crisis for the sector in September unless certainty and support are offered now.   Speaking after the release by SIPTU of research which…

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Cllr Terry O’Brien calls for support for Debenhams workers

At the meeting of Kerry County Council today, Labour Tralee Councillor Terry O’Brien successfully called on the Mayor to use his office on behalf of the elected Councillors to ensure Debenhams workers of Tralee, and nationally are treated fairly and with dignity, by writing to the Minister for Social Protection Heather Humphreys. Cllr O’Brien said:…

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Sherlock urges people not to be complacent with farm safety

Speaking at the start of Farm Safety Week Labour Spokesperson on Agriculture Sean Sherlock has urged people not to be complacent with machinery and livestock    Deputy Sherlock said    “This initiative is very important in raising awareness of the unacceptable level of accidents occurring on farms every year.    “Behaviour change is needed to…

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Increased funding needed for Rape Crisis Centres and Network

The figures published today by the Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) are deeply concerning said Labour Seanad Leader Ivana Bacik, commending the RCNI on their work, and calling for enhanced funding to ensure that centres can provide the services needed for survivors. Senator Bacik said: “The publication today by RCNI is timely and illustrates the…

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Urgent update needed on status of ban on evictions and rent increases

Delayed cabinet meeting means new regulations left until last minute. Labour Housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan has called on the Government to provide certainty for renters today on how long the ban on evictions and rent increases will be extended for, and clarify that an incorporeal cabinet meeting will be held later today in order to…

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Statement by Alan Kelly TD on the passing of Ruth Morrissey

Commenting on the passing of Ruth Morrissey, Labour Leader, Alan Kelly TD, said: “I want to offer my condolences and those of the Labour Party to the family and friends of Ruth Morrissey who has passed away after a difficult battle with cancer. “Ruth and her family have shown so much bravery in the eyes…

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Green List must address travel concerns

Mandatory airport testing for visitors from Covid-19 hotspots needed. Clarity needed on whether Irish people are deemed ok to travel to Green list. With the Government due to publish a list of green list locations on Monday, Labour transport spokesperson Duncan Smith said the announcement must clarify if they agree with Irish people travelling to…

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Ban on evictions and rent rises must be extended beyond August

With hundreds of thousands of workers unlikely to be back in work by the end of August it would be absolutely disgraceful not to extend the ban on evictions and rent increases until at least the end of year said Labour Housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan, as it will directly contribute to an increase in homelessness….

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Renters need certainty not legal row on eviction ban and rent freeze

Reports of a ‘major constitutional row’ over Government plans to extend the current rent freeze and the ban on evictions is deeply worrying said Labour Housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan, saying it indicated that there will be no certainty for renters for the rest of this year, and that a political decision is needed to protect…

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