Time for banks to increase contactless limits

Labour TD for Dublin Fingal, Duncan Smith, has called for banks to temporarily increase their contactless payments limits. Deputy Smith said: “As more businesses are moving away from cash payments during Covid-19, banks should now consider increasing the limit on contactless cards from €30 to €60. “Government and agencies of the State are all playing…

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Retail workers need protection and respect

Labour spokesperson on Employment and Social Protection, Ged Nash T.D, has said it’s important that retail workers at the coalface of ‘panic buying’ in shops and supermarkets are protected in the wake of the Covid-19 outbreak and are treated with respect. Deputy Nash said: “While this is obviously a very anxious and stressful time for…

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Social media companies must prioritise factual Covid-19 information

Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has called for social media companies to step up their game in tackling misinformation on Covid-19. Deputy Kelly said: “With Covid-19 now being defined as a global pandemic and Governments around the world taking serious measures to tackle the spread of this virus, I think it is vital…

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Labour calls for certainty on Leaving and Junior Cert exams

Labour Party Education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has urged the Government to act swiftly to clarify arrangements for practical and oral Leaving Cert exams in light of the Covid-19 public health crisis. The Dublin Bay North TD also called for an early decision on the possible postponement or cancellation of Junior Cert exams – and…

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Certainty needed on childcare staff wages

Labour spokesperson on Children and Youth Affairs Seán Sherlock has called for the Department and providers to quickly provide certainty for workers in the childcare sector on their wages over the coming weeks, after the closure of crèches. Deputy Sherlock said: “Most childcare providers are private operators and many staff in the sector are worried…

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Time to extend discretionary powers to social welfare officers

Labour Party TD for Fingal, Duncan Smith has called for discretionary powers to be returned to social welfare officers in light of Covid-19. Deputy Smith said: “It is essential now that discretionary powers are returned to social welfare officers similar to that of Community Welfare Officers to assist people over the next few weeks. “The…

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Statement by Alan Kelly TD on latest Covid-19 measures

Labour Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has urged the public to heed the measures announced by government today regarding the curtailment of public engagement from 6p.m. this evening  and said that that proper adherence to them will save lives that would otherwise be lost. He urged the public to follow public health advice, regarding the…

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Contact Tracing Skills of Irish Aid Community should be tapped

The skillset of workers in the Irish Aid community who may have worked on contact tracing as part of their response to previous epidemics like Ebola should be tapped for the increasing number of Covid-19 cases in Ireland said Labour TD for Cork East, and former Minister of State in the Department of Foreign Affairs….

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Labour cancels remaining Leadership Hustings

As a result of the developing Covid-19 situation, the Labour Party has decided to cancel the remaining two Party Leadership contest hustings that were to be held this Thursday 12th March in Galway, and on Saturday 21st March in Dublin. The Party will examine the possibility of holding an online husting as a replacement. Ballot…

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Right to join trade union would help tackle income inequality

A legal right to be represented by a trade union would help tackle low pay and free-up public money to invest in high-quality housing, health, education and childcare, according to Labour TD Aodhán Ó Ríordáin. He was speaking today (Wednesday) at the launch of a major study on inequality in Ireland, by the left-leaning think-tank…

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Price controls on PPE and pharma products needed

Implement Section 61 of the Consumer Protection Act 2007 that deals with a ‘state of emergency affecting supply of a product’. Also seek to implement Section 62 “Power to fix maximum prices during state of emergency” Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has called for the implementation of consumer protection rules to control and…

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A Labour Party we can proud of

Speech by Aodhán Ó Ríordáin to Labour Party Leadership Hustings, Mullingar, Monday 9th March 2020 When I joined the Labour Party as a young teacher, I was teaching ten-year-old girls in Sheriff Street, in inner-city Dublin. I quickly saw how they were missing out on so many opportunities I had taken for granted. I saw…

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Coronavirus planning must not dilute workers’ rights

Labour Party TD for Dublin Fingal, Duncan Smith, has said that Coronavirus planning must not lead to the diluting of workers’ rights. Deputy Smith said: “The HSE should not be using the Coronavirus as an excuse to undermine the rights of healthcare workers. “I trust our unions and healthcare staff to act in the best…

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Ó Ríordáin to prioritise gender pay gap laws

Dublin Bay North TD Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has said he will fast-track legislation to compel employers to reveal details their organisation’s gender pay gap if he is elected as Labour Party leader next month. Speaking on International Women’s Day (Sunday 8th March), the Labour leadership contender said too little had been achieved on gender pay…

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Lifting of recruitment ban for nurses & midwives welcome

Labour Party Health spokesperson Alan Kelly TD, has welcomed news that the HSE recruitment ban has been lifted for nurses and midwives but has called for clarity on the status of the ban for other healthcare professionals. Deputy Kelly said: “I very much welcome the announcement from the General Secretary of the INMO, Phil Ní…

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National Minimum Wage should increase to €11.25/hr in 2021

The Labour Party has set out plans to increase the National Minimum Wage next year to €11.25 (up from €10.10) and formally link the rate to two-thirds of median hourly earnings. These are some of the proposals laid out in the party’s submission to the Low Pay Commission for the 2021 rate of the minimum…

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Labour must become relevant to rebuild

Speech by Alan Kelly to Labour Party Leadership Hustings, Clayton Hotel Dublin Airport, Thursday 6th March 2020 Sinn Fein in opposition makes the challenge harder Party must campaign for ‘workers who worry’ Kelly has track record as Health spokesperson of leading national conversation Dear Friends & Comrades It is an honour to stand here before…

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On World Book Day Labour calls for single State agency to tackle illiteracy

Speaking on World Book Day, Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin today called for the establishment of a single State agency to tackle Ireland’s literacy problem. The Dublin Bay North TD said almost 18% of Irish adults were ‘functionally illiterate,’ which means they can’t read simple application forms or medicine bottles, while a third of…

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New social dialogue only acceptable if it tackles low pay and insecure work

Aodhán Ó Ríordáin: For Labour’s Future – NEWS RELEASE EMBARGO: Not for publication/broadcast before 00.01 am Thursday 5th March 2020 Labour should only back a return to a structured social dialogue in Ireland if it begins by tackling low pay and insecure work, according to Labour leadership contender Aodhán Ó Ríordáin. Speaking ahead of the…

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Action needed to tackle high rents

Labour TD Duncan Smith has said today’s Tasc report on Household Debt in Ireland highlights the financial burden faced by many within the private rental sector. Deputy Smith said: “This report highlights how many renters are struggling to pay for the basics, such as heating costs and other utilities. “The research found that renters are…

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Party has failed to seize key moments and opportunities recently Rebuild has to be based on constructive honesty with members Being relevant is the starting point to growth We need to align our policies and our presentations with our instincts We must campaign for a new social contract between the state and the people Dear…

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Kelly proposing emergency legislation to protect workers in self-isolation

Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, will this week bring emergency legislation before the Dáil to deal with immediate issues around the Coronavirus. Deputy Kelly said: “I have asked the Labour Party’s legal team to draft legislation protecting workers who may be impacted by the Coronavirus- specifically on the remuneration of workers who have…

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Rent Freeze is Legal, Constitutional & Necessary – Kelly

Labour Party TD for Tipperary, Alan Kelly, has released legal advice he received as Minister for Housing on the constitutionality of a rent freeze. Deputy Kelly said: “A nationwide rent freeze is entirely constitutional. There is no doubt about this legally. It can be done through extending the period under which rent reviews are possible…

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Media should respect privacy and public health in Coronavirus coverage

Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD today (Monday) called on the media and others to respect the privacy of the person who has tested positive for the Covid19 Coronavirus. He said it was important that the individual and their family were fully supported by the health and education authorities, and that the school community…

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