We need to protect our most vulnerable children- O’Sullivan

Responding to today’s report on homeless families by the Mercy Law Resource Centre, Labour spokesperson on Housing Deputy Jan O’Sullivan said: “It is shocking to read that a woman who had given birth just one month earlier was placed in one night only accommodation with her new baby and 16-month-old child for several weeks, leaving…

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Women on boards: legally binding quotas needed

Responding to today’s ‘Balance for Better Business’ report showing there is still a serious imbalance for women at leadership levels in Irish companies, Labour Senator Ivana Bacik said: “This report shows that women make up just 19.1% of publicly listed boards in Ireland, and while that is slightly up on six months ago, is still…

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More community policing needed in Dublin South Central

Following the publication of the University of Limerick report into criminal behaviour networks in Dublin South Central, Labour Party representative for the South West Inner City, Rebecca Moynihan, has called for substantial investment in intensive community policing in Dublin South-Central. Councillor Moynihan said: “Today’s report by the University of Limerick shines light on the reality…

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Drug report: Community voices need to be heard

Responding to today’s report on organised crime and drug dealing in Dublin’s South Inner City, Dublin Labour Senator Aodhán Ó Riordáin commented:  “Sadly it doesn’t come as a major surprise that children as young as 12 are being groomed by drug gangs in Dublin.  “The reality is that a lot of criminality is based around…

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Time for HSE senior officials to see conditions at UHL first-hand

Following today’s Oireachtas Health committee, Alan Kelly TD, has ensured the Chief Executive of the HSE will visit University Hospital Limerick with members of the Health Committee to see the conditions first hand. Deputy Kelly said: “As 76 people lie on trolleys in University Hospital Limerick today, the Head of the HSE has agreed to…

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Urgent response needed on mumps outbreak

Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has said an urgent response is needed to the large scale outbreak of the mumps. Deputy Kelly said: “So far in 2019, we have seen a 436% increase in reported cases of the mumps, with 2,458 cases reported so far this year compared to 563 cases in 2018….

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Action needed to reduce fuel poverty

Responding to today’s St. Vincent de Paul report, ‘Growing up in the Cold’, Labour spokesperson on Children, Seán Sherlock T.D, said: “Families today are already faced with massive outgoings, such as rent, childcare and school costs, so it comes as little surprise that many are also struggling with the day-to-day costs, such as heating their…

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1.5% pay rise offer an insult to school secretaries

Labour’s Employment Spokesperson Ged Nash has described a 1.5% pay rise offered by the Department of Education & Skills to school secretaries as “insulting and derisory”. He said; “School secretaries employed by boards of management do the work of public servants but have none of the job security and benefits. “Far too many of them…

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Dublin City Council has run out of money to refurbish vacant social units

Cllr Alison Gilliland, Labour Party Councillor and Chairperson of DCC Strategic Policy Committee for Housing said: “At Thursdays meeting of the Dublin City Council’s Strategic Policy Committee for Housing we learned that DCC had run out of funding to refurbish empty social housing units or voids as they are called. “Refurbishing units left vacant due…

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Further Questions need to be answered following RCOG review

Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has said that the HSE, Department of Health and RCOG have further questions to answer following the publication of the Report of the Independent Expert Panel Review of Cervical Screening Deputy Kelly said: “While acknowledging the RCOG review, I have great difficulty that it took this long. I…

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Homelessness figures: Govt not delivering on housing

Reacting to the official homelessness figures for October which have just been released, Labour spokesperson on Housing, Jan O’Sullivan T.D, said: “For the first time ever, we now have over 10,500 people homeless in Ireland, a record high. “This latest consecutive rise in the total figures shows yet again that the Government’s housing strategy is failing…

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More Gardai needed in Dublin

Labour Dublin Senator Kevin Humphreys has said that more Gardai are needed to deal with crime in the capital. It follows the publication of CSO crime statistics today, for the first time since 2016. Senator Humphreys said: “I am extremely concerned that the level of crime in Dublin is worse than the rest of the…

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Harris fails St Joseph’s Care Home

Responding to reports of the planned closure of Saint Joseph’s Dementia residential Care home in Shankill in Dublin, Labour Senator and member of the All Party Oireachtas Group on Dementia, Kevin Humphreys, said: “I’m extremely concerned at today’s reports of the pending closure of St. Joseph’s in Shankill which has stopped taking admissions. It is clear…

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Extension welcome for childcare providers

Labour spokesperson on Children and Youth Affairs, Deputy Seán Sherlock, has welcomed an extension given to childcare providers to submit certain documentation to Tusla as part of the re-registration process. Deputy Sherlock commented: “Many childcare providers have been extremely concerned that they wouldn’t be able to re-open in January due to issues getting all the…

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Tomorrow’s By-Elections a chance to call for a change in direction

Speaking in advance of tomorrow’s four By- Elections, the leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin TD, said that voters have a unique opportunity to call for a change of direction on the issues that matter to them, and to send a clear signal that Irish people reject politicians who are willing to use racial…

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Real action needed on DEIS class sizes

Labour Party Education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has called for the Minister for Education to take on board the asks of the INTO #TimeForDEIS campaign. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “The Labour Party fully supports the INTO #TimeForDEIS campaign which was launched earlier today which seeks to lower the pupil-teacher ratio in DEIS schools. “When a…

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Labour Trade Unionists appalled at Fianna Fáil disregard for low-paid workers

In an outrageous response to a request for Seanad support on a Bill to support the most low-paid and vulnerable workers in the State, Fianna Fáil chose to support the government party, Fine Gael, which continues to block any and all progressive legislation to improve the situation for those working in the most precarious jobs….

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Humphreys welcomes return of Operation Open City

Labour spokesperson on Transport, Senator Kevin Humphreys, has welcomed confirmation from An Garda Síochána that Operation Open City will begin in Dublin next week. Senator Humphreys had previously called for Operation Freeflow to be implemented in the city to deal with traffic gridlock in the run up to Christmas. Senator Humphreys said: “Anyone who travels…

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Donohoe can no longer hide behind GDPR on Apple fees

Labour Party TD for Tipperary and Vice-Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee, Alan Kelly TD, has said the Government should now release the details of the legal fees paid out for the Apple case. This comes as the Office of the Data Commissioner has agreed with Deputy Kelly’s view that the Department of Finance should…

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Moynihan secures €100K in DCC budget for free sanitary products

Following a successful pilot, the Labour Party’s Rebecca Moynihan has secured €100,000 for period products to be made available for free in Dublin City Council.  Councillor Moynihan said: “Last year Dublin City Council approved measures I proposed to provide free sanitary products in DCC buildings such as offices, swimming pools and community centres.  “Following a…

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Labour pledges support for Internet rights

Speaking in response to the launch of a new Contract for the Web by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, the leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin TD, signalled Labour’s full endorsement of the nine principles of the Contract for the Web. Brendan said: “There is a need for an over-arching…

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Labour Youth elects new Chairperson and Executive Committee

Labour Youth elected its National Youth Executive over the weekend at their annual National Conference in Waterford City. Newly elected National Chairperson Cormac Ó Braonáin (19) said following his election: “I am excited to take up the role of Labour Youth Chair. I care very deeply about Labour Youth and the activists who put extraordinary…

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Govt failing to act on poor air quality

Labour spokesperson on Transport, Senator Kevin Humphreys, has criticised the Government for its record on tackling poor air quality. Senator Humphreys said: “We’re now reaping what the Government has sewn with it’s failure to act on dirty diesel cars. “Air surveillance stations, administered by the EPA, have found that air levels around Dublin will breach…

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Urgent plan needed to tackle trolley crisis in University Hospital Limerick

Commenting on the INMO TrolleyWatch figures which show 85 patients on trolleys, the highest trolley figure for an Irish hospital on record, Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has called for a bespoke plan for University Hospital Limerick. Deputy Kelly said: “The figures released by the INMO today show 631 people on trolleys across…

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