Bernie Linnane

Why I got involved in politics
I have been involved in political activism in one way or another for many years and feel I have more to give. I believe strongly in social responsibility and contributing to society at a local, as well as national level. The future of our communities is too important to leave in the hands of others.
My priorities
Equality, fairness and social justice.
Responsible planning and sustainable development of our built environment along with the preservation of our precious natural environment in Ireland’s loveliest county.
Separation of Church and State.
Reproductive rights and bodily autonomy.
Equitable access to education for all.
My background
I am a financial broker and accountant living and working in Lovely Leitrim, though originally from the Shortgrass County of Kildare. Spent 26 years living and working in Dublin before heading West in 2004. I am mother to a young woman and wife to a middle-aged man.
I was heavily involved in the Repeal campaign of 2018 and remain staunchly committed to reproductive justice. I continue to campaign for abortion rights on an international level.
Clubs and Committees
Founder member of Leitrim for Choice and former Treasurer of the Abortion Rights Campaign.
Chair of the Campaign against Church Ownership of Women’s Healthcare (Our Maternity Hospital).
Privileged to serve on the boards of Sligo Rape Crisis Centre and Dromahair Community Playschool.