Kevin Donoghue

Dublin Bay South
More about me

Kevin Donoghue

Why I got involved in politics

I have an interest in worker's rights, housing education and climate policy.

My priorities

Hosting, education, worker's rights, climate action.

My background

Kevin has been a Councillor for the South East Inner City since his election in 2019. He sits on the Housing SPC and has been a leading contributor to the campaign to re-municipalise waste services in Dublin. He has sought the trialing of a four day week for the Dublin City Council staff.

Kevin is a trade union organiser working on campaigns. Kevin contributes to campaigns in the area's of housing, decent work, climate change and healthcare among others. He is also a former Chair of Labour Youth and President of the Union of Students in Ireland.

Kevin has a significant interest in enhancing the power of local authorities and works on the More Power to You Campaign.

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