Guarantee an early years place for every child and start work on a publicly provided childcare system, like we have at primary school level;.
A Charter to Deliver on Children's Rights

Children's Charter
Our mission is to ensure every child has the best start in life and for the State to take seriously its duty to support all children, especially those living in poverty.
Labour’s Charter to deliver on Children’s Rights will:
- Target payments to end Child Poverty.
- Stop Child Homelessness.
- Tackle the scandal of waiting lists for disability services and therapies.
- Guarantee an early year’s place for every child through a public childcare scheme.
- Introduce a new DEIS Plus model.
- Deliver an Autism Guarantee for special education places.
- Safeguard Children in Care.
- Resource and regulate the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service.
- Make Education truly free.
- Protect Children Online.
How will we do this:
Children in poverty – 60,000 in consistent poverty
Labour will introduce a new targeted child benefit payment to lift children out of poverty, targeted improvements for lone parents most at risk of poverty and restore the Combat Poverty Agency.
A radical approach to childcare – A public childcare scheme
We will roll out a guaranteed, publicly provided childcare place for every child, as we do at primary level with 6,000 new places a year. It’s the norm across much of northern Europe and pays huge dividends for children. We have ringfenced capital funding to start developing that model and are also committed to take over current providers that are closing down through our ‘childcare in situ’ scheme. In the meantime we will cap childcare costs at €50 per week and ensure improved pay for early years educators to tackle the staffing crisis in the sector.
End child homelessness – over 4,400 without a home
Every night a child spends in emergency accommodation is a scandal. Labour will prioritise housing for homeless families and legislate to protect homeless children. We’ll also ban no fault evictions, which is a major cause of family homelessness. Waiting List Scandals and Special needs We will fund more staff for Children’s Disability network teams and reimburse parents who must resort to private therapies. We will tackle CAMHS waiting lists and ensure an appropriate school place for every child with additional needs with an Autism Guarantee.
An active, happy childhood – tax relief of sports club memberships
Labour values the thousands of sporting and community organisations that give children access to a healthy and active life. To ease the burden on parents and to encourage more participation in children’s sport we’ll provide tax relief on sports club memberships. Relief will be at the standard rate, so if you pay €100 a year for your child to be in the GAA club you get €20 back.