Delay over Seanad sitting is unacceptable
It is disrespectful to the public and our parliamentary process that the Seanad has not sat since the General Election was called over three months ago.
The Seanad cannot sit again until the Taoiseach has appointed his Seanad nominees. I appreciate the importance of the Taoiseach taking time to consider his Seanad nominees. However this prolonged delay is unacceptable.
It is reported in the media today the Dáil will rise for summer recess in six weeks’ time. This means the Seanad will only have sat for a matter of weeks this year.
There are many pressing issues which I and my fellow Senators want to raise but we are being prevented from doing so. I implore the Taoiseach as a matter of urgency to appoint his nominees, so the Seanad can return and Senators can do the job they were elected to do.