Howlin unveils Labour spokesperson line-up
As I said when I became Leader of the Labour Party, I am confident about this party’s future, because we have values that are immutable that are not going away any time soon. They have endured 100 years and will endure another 100. And they are needed today more than ever.”
Today, it is my pleasure as Leader of the Labour Party to unveil the group of Labour Party Spokespersons. Mine will be a shared leadership. This group of 19 women and men are hungry and determined. They are experienced and committed.
In the Dáil, in the Seanad, and in society at large, they will lead the work of rebuilding our party. And fighting for progressive change in Ireland. The group of 19 spokespersons being announced today will begin this important work. But they will not do so alone.
Today, I am also writing to all 50 Labour Party councillors. They too will be asked to share in the leadership of our party. Each councillor will be asked to select a policy area of priority for them. And we will immediately get to work.
Our councillors and spokespersons, along with members across the length and breadth of the country will begin working to revive a radical policy agenda for the Labour Party;
And we will redouble our efforts working with other progressive forces and charities to bring about the change that families and communities need to see.
The last election was disappointing for the Labour Party. Over recent weeks, we have reviewed every aspect of how our party works. And we are now ready to move forward with determination. The new Government is a coalition of chaos. And it is also one of the most right-wing Governments in the history of the state.
And so it is important for every Minister to know that Labour Spokespeople will be shadowing every proposal tabled by the Government. We will support them when they do right. But we will oppose them when they do not. The team of people I am unveiling today will lead that work.
Brendan Howlin
- Labour Party Leader
- Spokesperson on Justice and Northern Ireland
Joan Burton
- Spokesperson on the Arts
- Spokesperson on Education and Skills
- Spokesperson on Finance
Alan Kelly
- Spokesperson on Health
- Spokesperson on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation
Jan O’Sullivan
- Spokesperson on Children and Youth Affairs
- Spokesperson on Housing, Planning and Local Government
Willie Penrose
- Spokesperson on Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Rural Affairs
- Spokesperson on Social Protection
Brendan Ryan
- Party Whip
- Spokesperson on Defence
- Spokesperson on Transport, Tourism and Sport
Sean Sherlock
- Spokesperson on Communications, Climate Change and Natural Resources
- Spokesperson on Public Expenditure and Reform
Ivana Bacik
- Seanad Group Leader
- Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs and Development
Kevin Humphreys
- Seanad Whip
- Spokesperson on Dublin
Denis Landy
- Spokesperson on Local Government Reform
- Spokesperson on Regional Development
Gerald Nash
- Spokesperson on Equality
- Spokesperson on Labour Affairs and Workers Rights,
Aodhán Ó Ríordáin
- Spokesperson on Environment and Sustainable Development
- Spokesperson on Gaeltacht Affairs
In addition to the Oireachtas spokespersons, a further five national spokespersons have been appointed to support the work of rebuilding the Labour Party.
Joe Costello
- Spokesperson on Urban Regeneration
Ciarán Lynch
- Spokesperson on Affordable Housing
- Spokesperson on the Retail Sector
Kathleen Lynch
- Spokesperson on Mental Health
- Spokesperson on Disability
Michael McNamara
- Spokesperson on International Tax Justice
Emmet Stagg
- Spokesperson on Older People
Joanna Tuffy
- Spokesperson on Lifelong learning
Alex White
- Spokesperson Constitutional Matters