Duffy-Walsh proposals must be implemented urgently
One year on from the scandalous overnight closure of Clery’s, Senator Ged Nash has called on the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation to urgently implement the proposals contained in the Duffy-Cahill Report.
Speaking this afternoon outside Clery’s building, Senator Nash said, “The manner in which the Clery’s workers lost their jobs scandalised the nation. Hundreds of dedicated and loyal workers were left on the street, treated as collateral damage in a multi-million euro corporate power play.
“Labour has stood in solidarity with the Clery’s workers since the 12th June 2015. We have taken several important steps which to ultimately bring about crucial changes to employment law to better protect workers who could be caught up in Clery’s type situations.
“The former Clery’s workers have campaigned with dignity and honour. The ultimate and appropriate tribute to them will be the full implementation of the proposals I published emanating from the Duffy-Cahill Review.
“Among many recommendations, this report recommends that the opportunity should exist for employees to be consulted before any collective redundancies can take effect – regardless of whether the firm is insolvent or not. It also proposes that the law should include an obligation to inform employees of proposals on the restructuring of a company that could result in collective redundancies when, for example, the sale of a significant asset is being considered.
“I am calling on the government to urgently publish legislation soon after the conclusion of the formal consultation process and before the Oireachtas summer recess.”