22 October 2016

Brendan Howlin has said today that an attempt by the Government to use a technical motion to block a vote on repealing the 8th amendment are unprecedented in recent times and an effort to muzzle the Dáil.

“This is another nail in the coffin for so called new politics.

“Once again this do nothing Government is trying to kick a decision to touch and are resorting to technical motions to try to block second stage debates to spare the embarrassment of members of the Government.

“A similar tactic was used two weeks ago in the Seanad to stop a debate on a rent certainty bill when Fianna Fáil supported Fine Gael’s motion.

“A large number of both Fine Gael TDs and members of the Cabinet campaigned in the election to repeal the 8th.

“They should now have the courage to stand by the decision of their Government to kick the 8th amendment into another talking shop, and do so in the Dáil next week.

“The Labour Party will be supporting the bill to repeal the 8th amendment next week.”


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