Alan Kelly has today written to Ms. Isolde Goggin, Chairperson of the Competition & Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) calling on her to open an investigation into the Irish Property Owners Association (IPOA) following the IPOAs highly publicised threats to have landlords impose a range of levies, charges and other measures.
“It is my view, having sought legal advice, that the statement issued by the IPOA if given effect to is in breach of Section 4 of the Competition Act 2002 and I have written to the Chair of the CCPC asking her to launch an immediate investigation into the potential infringement of Competition law.”
“If it is clear that such a breach is being threatened or given effect to then it is incumbent on the CCPC to commence proceedings in the High Court to ensure that the IPOA gives a declaration that it will comply with the provisions of the Competition Acts.”
“Furthermore, if there is any evidence that the IPOA has attempted to impose any of their proposals, the CCPC should immediately forward the evidence to the DPP with a view to criminal charges being brought”
“We cannot have a situation where a so called representative association can threaten to engage in criminal activity that has been outlawed by the Oireachtas under the Competition Acts”
Alan Kelly concluded by stating that the IPOA was only representative of a small number of landlords and the vast majority of landlords act in a fair and law abiding manner a all times.