26 January 2017

The Minister for Education and Skills today confirmed to Labour Party Leader, Brendan Howlin that providing free GP care to under-12s is no longer a priority for this Government.

“Despite agreeing to provide free GP care to under-12s in October 2015, it is quite disappointing to see that the Government has made no progress on the issue.

“Today in the Dáil, it was frustrating to hear Richard Bruton confirm to me that providing free GP care to under-12s is not a legislative priority for the Government, despite it being in the Programme for Partnership Government.

“To date we have provided free GP care for the youngest and oldest in our society. We know the funds have been set aside to extend the service to older children and the lack of progress on this is frustrating for families right across the country.

“What we need now is a shift in gear. We need to reach agreement on a pathway to universal coverage and on the steps we will have to take to make universal coverage a reality.”

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