O’Sullivan disappointment over missed deadline for homeless family accommodation
Labour Housing Spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has expressed her disappointment that the deadline to move homeless families out of hotels by July 1st will not be met.
Deputy O’Sullivan commented:
“I am most disheartened to hear confirmation from the Minister today that children and families in such a vulnerable situation will remain in hotels and B and Bs after the original July 1st deadline set by Government.
“I have long been saying that it is not suitable for children to be in this type of accommodation, and I am really concerned about the impact and potential long term effects that this type of constant uncertainty must be having on them. We can only imagine the stress and anxiety for parents also.
“Unfortunately this is not the first goal that hasn’t been met by the Government when it comes to housing. Earlier this month we heard reports that none of Dublin City Council’s four ‘rapid-build’ homes would be finished by the end of June as planned.
“We have also yet to see the Government’s long-promised vacant homes audit and strategy with details of the thousands and thousands of vacant homes currently lying empty across the country.
“There has been much talk from Government on tackling the housing and homelessness crisis but very little actual delivery.”