Zero Hours announcement a Labour win
Labour Youth has today welcomed the announcement that zero hour contracts are to be outlawed.
Labour Youth National Chairperson Kevin Donoghue commented:
“The issue of zero hour contracts is something that Labour Youth has been campaigning on for many years along with Senator Ged Nash, and we’re happy to see that Fine Gael has caught on to the prevalence of precarious working conditions that affect so many people trying to earn a decent living.
“It was Ged Nash as Minister for Jobs who commissioned the UL report to examine the prevalence of zero hour contracts and we note that the Heads of the Bill includes many of the key recommendations that were proposed by Senator Nash.
“However, one of the key findings of the UL report was the prevalence of ‘if and when’ contracts which were found to be very problematic for many low-paid workers; if this was addressed it would have a much more profound impact on working pay and conditions.
“Overall, we welcome this announcement by a right wing government that appears to have come to some realisation of the detrimental impact that such precarious work is having, and we’re happy that our hard work on this issue has gotten their attention. We now urge them to publish this legislation as soon as possible.
“This is a proud moment for all in Labour Youth as it shows the difference that can be made with hard work and persistence and I would like to thank everyone that has been a part of this.”