Labour commits to funding Slaintecare in Alternative Budget
Spokesperson on Health Alan Kelly has said that Labour has provided the funding required to implement the first year of Slaintecare in our Alternative Budget, Our Future and that it is now time other political parties to commit to funding it.
Deputy Kelly said:
“Following months of work, a 10 year fully costed plan to implement a publicly funded healthcare was published in May with cross party support.
“In our alternative budget, Labour has become the first political party to commit to funding the first year implementation of Slaintecare.
“What this would mean in practice is the removal of inpatient hospital charges and the reeducation of prescription charges
“It would expand the provision of home care packages and home help hours, increased services for people with disabilities and an extra €25 million for mental health in the first year.
“I am delighted to also confirm that Labour would support the rollout of the HPV vaccine to boys in 2018, and the provision of the flu vaccine for free to those who need it.
“As part of the rollout of universal primary care there would be multidisciplinary teams in community care, while we have provided €17 million for the expansion of the Dental Treatment Services Scheme back to pre 2010 levels.”