Time to pass Public Health Alcohol Bill
Labour Health Promotion and Drugs Strategy spokesperson, Cllr Martina Genockey, has called for the passing of the Public Health Alcohol Bill in the Seanad today.
Cllr Genockey said:
“Today the Public Health Alcohol Bill will back on the agenda as it comes in front of the Seanad. I am calling for all parties to come together to pass this bill that will have a huge impact on the health of our citizens.
“This bill has been on the cards for five or six years and it has been stalled time and time again. This is an historic opportunity for law-makers to pass a bill that could change our country’s problematic relationship with alcohol for future generations.
“Ireland has a problem with alcohol and this bill makes sensible suggestions to help protect some of our most vulnerable citizens from developing alcohol issues throughout their lives.
“It will protect young people from alcohol advertising and make the purchase of alcohol a specific decision, rather than just something you pick up with the shopping.
“We need to take this opportunity to pass the bill and make a real statement that we want to do something about preventing alcohol misuse in this state.”