Poolbeg provides template for affordable homes in Clonburris SDZ

17 January 2018

Labour spokesperson on Affordable Housing, Joanna Tuffy has called on South Dublin County Council to look to example of the Poolbeg West Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) Planning Scheme when amending it’s SDZ Planning Scheme for Clonburris.

Joanna said:

“In the Poolbeg SDZ Planning Scheme adopted last year by Dublin City Council, 900 social and affordable houses were required to be built out of a total of 3500 houses. That is in excess of 25% social and affordable houses required under the Poolbeg West SDZ Planning Scheme, whereas South Dublin County Council has only required 10% social housing in its draft SDZ Planning Scheme for Clonburris.

“There is no requirement whatsoever in the draft SDZ for affordable housing. The total amount of houses expected to be built at Clonburris is over 8000. Of 8000 houses only 800 social houses would be required unless the draft plan is amended.

“The Labour Party in Dublin Mid West has urged in its submissions to South Dublin County Council that the SDZ Planning Scheme for Clonburris provide for 30% of the houses to be social and affordable housing.

“The draft Planning Scheme is due to be debated later this month at South Dublin County Council.

“I urge the Council to look to the example of Dublin City Council and amend the plans to increase the percentage of social and affordable housing that will be built at Clonburris. I also urge the Minister and Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government to assist the Council in ensuring the needs of those who require social and affordable housing are sufficiently addressed in the Clonburris SDZ Planning Scheme.”

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