Free contraception would be a game-changer in women’s healthcare

09 March 2018

Labour spokesperson on Health Promotion and representative in Dublin South West, Cllr Martina Genockey, has welcomed plans mooted by the Health Minister today on the possible rollout of a free contraception scheme.

Cllr Genockey said:

“It’s great to hear this type of progressive thinking from the Health Minister on the sort of practical measures that can be taken to ensure a woman’s financial situation is not a barrier to access to contraception.

“Providing free contraception would be hugely empowering for women from all walks of life and I believe a sensible move toward reducing crisis pregnancies in the first place.

“Take the Netherlands for example, which has a low rate of terminations of pregnancies, attributed to the easy access and high use of contraception among the adult population.

“It was also a key recommendation of the Oireachtas Committee on the Eighth Amendment that a scheme should be introduced for the provision of the most effective method of contraception, free of charge.

“For many women, and especially younger women, the costs of accessing contraception can be very expensive both for seeing their GP and then having a prescription filled.

“A free service would be of huge benefit and I welcome the statement today by the Minister for Health that he is examining that.”

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