Today’s verdict should not deter victims from coming forward

28 March 2018

Labour Party Equality spokesperson, Councillor Deirdre Kingston, has said that the outcome and commentary surrounding the outcome of the Paddy Jackson/Stuart Olding trial should not deter victims from coming forward and shows why victims need enhanced protection.

Councillor Kingston said:

“The coverage of the trial both online and in our media over the last eight weeks, shows we have a lot to learn in this country when it comes to sexual violence and its impact on victims.

“As a society we need to be very careful in our language and we need to keep the victims of the crime, and victims around the country who may be emotionally impacted by the coverage of such crimes, at the forefront of our minds when talking about these issues.

“There is a growing need to understand the experience of victims of sexual grooming, violence and assault, to listen to their experiences and to put in place structures to ensure they feel supported by the State. That is why it is crucial that the Government produces a second Sexual Abuse and Violence in Ireland Report (SAVI).

“Without such a study to determine the real level of sexual abuse and violence it will be impossible to properly plan for the investment needed in frontline services, and most importantly, really understand what kind of support victims need.”

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