Labour Youth urge young people to get registered

Labour Youth
03 May 2018

Labour Youth is urging young people nationwide to get registered to vote for the upcoming referendum by the deadline on 8th May.

National Chairperson Chloe Manahan commented:

“With less than a week to the deadline and 150,000 young people still not registered to vote, time is of the essence to make sure the new generation have their say on this vital issue. On May 25th we will have a historic chance to remove the repressive 8th Amendment from our Constitution and make our society a more caring and compassionate one where those in a crisis can be cared for at home.

“With no clear indication of what the result will be it’s more important than ever that everyone who wants to see a Yes vote makes sure they can have their say. Voter registration campaigns like the USI’s and our Register to Repeal drive have made a big difference, but there’s still a significant group of young people who are at risk of not having their opinion heard.”

 “If you’re a young person, or anyone who isn’t sure whether you’re currently registered to vote, we’re asking you to please visit and follow the steps they provide before May 8th. Please bear in mind that this is a Bank Holiday weekend and some post will be delayed; you also have the option of hand delivering it to your local council office. Don’t miss this chance to make Ireland a more compassionate country.”

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