Open the Gates of Fitzwillian Square Park says Cllr Dermot Lacey

25 June 2018

Councillor Dermot Lacey has once again called for the opening of Fitzwilliam Square Park to the Public and the many office users working in the surrounding areas.

“As we enjoy the rare rays of sunshine it is quite simply unfair to the thousands of residents and workers here in Dublin that they should be locked out of this facility right in the heart of the City.

“It is exactly 10 years since I publicly called for the reopening of Fitzwilliam Square to the public and to office workers. The continued closure of this green space at the heart of the City is a scandal and a relic of old privilege.”

As part of his ongoing campaign to have Fitzwilliam Square Park opened to the public, former Lord Mayor of Dublin, Councillor Dermot Lacey has ensured that the objective is in the City development Plan.

Councillor Lacey said that

“Rhe continued closure of this Park to the general public was a scandal and should not be tolerated. Securing access to the Park has been included as an objective in the current and previous City Development Plans”

And he urged City Management “to renew their efforts to have this remaining vestige of privilege abolished and restore the park to the people of Dublin”.

At present Fitzwilliam Square Park is controlled by the elite Fitzwilliam Square Association Ltd, a Company limited by guarantee.

Voting Membership is controlled by the existing members.

Any change of the lease or use of the Park would require the approval of the Pembroke Estate office.

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