Bertie gets it wrong again

24 May 2024
  • Directly Elected Mayor for Dublin has potential once independent finance raising is ensured 
  • Bertie’s preference for a Minister for Dublin is utterly out of touch

Bertie Ahern has got it wrong once again, according to former Lord Mayor of Dublin and Labour Cllr for Pembroke Dermot Lacey, this time on his rejection of the idea of a Dublin Directly Elected Mayor.

Cllr Lacey said:

“Bertie Ahern is the very embodiment of why a Minister for Dublin is a stupid idea. What did he ever do for Dublin in all the posts he held?

“Contrary to his myth making, the two office IFSC was the work of Haughey, while the far bigger Dublin Docklands Renewal was the work of Brendan Howlin and Ruairi Quinn.

“Bertie is stuck in the dark days. The people of Limerick have shown huge engagement in the process of electing a Directly Elected Mayor, and the 2022 Citizens’ Assembly voted to support a Directly Elected Mayor.

“As a former Lord Mayor, I am open to the Directly Elected Mayor process. However, reform of local government and ensuring independent finance raising for the role is key.

“As Taoiseach, Ahern led the charge in the opposite direction.”

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