Sherlock welcomes commitment to return state funding to Scouting Ireland

Seán Sherlock TD
25 June 2018

Labour spokesperson on Children & Youth Affairs Seán Sherlock TD has welcomed the commitment made today by Minister Katherine Zappone to return funding to Scouting Ireland.

Deputy Sherlock said:

“The ongoing process of examining governance and safeguarding procedures in Scouting Ireland has been welcomed by rank and file volunteers throughout the State.

“I had been contacted by many individuals who expressed a worry that their concerns were not being addressed through the Van Turnhout process. Jillian Van Turnout’s report is now published, with specific recommendations, that continued funding would be contingent on the implementation of those recommendations.

“It is vital, now the report is published, that everyone involved in scouting can feel that their concerns were addressed.”

“There is still a long way to go in this process. We are still unclear as to the status of the report of the barrister appointed by Scouting Ireland in respect of Ian Elliot’s confidential report.

“Scouting Ireland now has funding until September, contingent on recommendations being implemented. There is a long way to go before all volunteers can feel confident in this change management process but it does augur well for the future of scouting in Ireland.”

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