Extend HPV vax to boys ASAP
Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has welcomed the rise in the uptake of the HPV vaccine and has called on the HSE to move quickly to end the HPV vaccine to young boys.
Deputy Kelly said:
“I’m delighted to see the uptake of the HPV vaccine rise again this year despite dangerous and inaccurate misinformation campaigns on social media.
“We are all too aware now of the positives of the HPV vaccine. The facts cannot be ignored – the HPV vaccine protects against two types of HPV, which is a major cause of cervical cancers. Women like Laura Brennan and Vicky Phelan are entirely vindicated in their vocal stance in support of the HPV vaccine.
“The Labour Party has been leading the campaign on extending the HPV vaccine to young boys and we have worked hard to ensure cross-Party support and political will to providing the vaccine to boys.
“Earlier this year, the Dáil passed my motion to fully back the current HPV vaccine programme and to extend this initiative to teenage boys.
“At this stage it is necessary that the vaccine be extended to boys in first year of secondary school, because they can also develop HPV associated cancers in later life, such as oropharyngeal cancer, penile cancer and genital warts in men and women.
“Extending the HPV vaccine to boys is a common-sense, evidence based measure which is already in place in countries like Australia.
“Over the next few weeks, letters will be going home to parents of girls in first year, letting them know that the HPV vaccine is available to them, I hope that this time next year we will be welcoming another rise in the uptake of this life-saving vaccine.”