More supports needed for women who wish to breastfeed
Speaking during National Breastfeeding Week, Labour Party Equality spokesperson, Councillor Deirdre Kingston, has called on more supports to be made available to women who wish to breastfeed.
Councillor Kingston said:
“As a first-time mother, I know the first-hand the difficulties many new mothers face when it comes to breastfeeding.
“With the closure of the Baby-Friendly Health Initiative earlier this year, the Government has an opportunity in next week’s Budget, to allocate more financial support to educate mams-to-be on the benefits of breastfeeding.
“In the years ahead new maternity hospitals and primary care centres will be built across Ireland. We have a once in a generation chance to revolutionise maternal care and support in Ireland and all of the stakeholders we spoke to are agreed that more must, and can be done to increase breastfeeding levels in Ireland.
“The Labour Party has put forward a plan to increase breastfeeding in Ireland. Unless the issue is put on the political agenda and raised in public discourse existing obstacles will remain. It will take a political impetus to ensure the necessary measures and resources are put in place.
“Women should be able to make an empowered choice about whether or not to breastfeed – the decision should not be determined by a lack of supports.”