Half-Baked housing proposals from Minister Murphy

11 December 2018

Labour Party Housing spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has said the Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Bill approved by Cabinet today is a weak attempt at solving the issues that are prevalent in the rental market.

Deputy O’Sullivan said:

“While there are positives in this Bill, it is a half-baked response to the crisis in the private rental sector where comprehensive protections are urgently needed.

“I welcome the elements that will strengthen the powers of the Residential Tenancies Bill including giving them the power to initiate investigations and to impose sanctions on landlords who flout rent controls.

“I am concerned however that there is no definite commitment to introducing a Rent Register which is so essential if new tenants are to know whether the landlord is complying with the law.

“The proposals with regard to student accommodation are preceded by the words “possibly extend certain provisions of the Residential Tenancies Acts”.

“Because of the vague wording, some of the measures in this Bill may not be deliverable under this legislation.

“It is also very disappointing that tenants who live in areas outside the Rent Pressure Zones will have no protection from rent hikes.  With 20% annual rent increases in the cities of Limerick and Waterford, there is no help for renters in these cities, and other excluded areas, under the Bill and I will be proposing amendments to address this.”


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