Ross must reconsider his abandonment of cyclist safety

02 January 2019

Labour Cork City representative Peter Horgan has slammed the decision by Shane Ross to abandon plans to protect cyclists in law with the minimum passing distance legislation that he had promised.

Mr Horgan said:
“It is a failure and a cop out by Minister Ross. He is failing to deliver on the commitments he has made, and is reaching for excuses that he would rubbish if it concerned one of his pet topics.

“I hope the Minister will reconsider his attempt to kick this measure to touch.

“He was all about cycling in the last major Dáil debate before the Christmas break but we have seen the measure of his worth now with this decision.

“The Minister should publish this legal advice, and work with stakeholders towards a solution. For a Minister who has made much noise about improved road safety I am disappointed to he see him wash his hands of this. He shouldn’t abandon cyclist safety just because it is hard.

“Minimum distance has been introduced effectively in other jurisdictions, so it can be implemented here with the right Minister.

“It is another reason why sustainable transport like cycling should be removed from Minister Ross’ brief.

“I hope those Fine Gael politicians who championed this measures will ensure the Minister reconsiders.”

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