Serious questions to be asked about the governance of Public Boards.

16 January 2019

Labour’s Transport Spokesperson, Sen. Kevin Humphrys, has called for greater accountability for members of public boards who do not attend board meetings yet still pick up their salary.

Senator Humphreys said:

“Reporting today of salary payment of €11,970 being made to board member of the National Transport Authority who attending just four of the twelve meeting in 2017 raises serious concerns about how the NTA and other public boards are being managed.

“Of the other twelve board members of the NTA, only four attended all twelve meetings. The NTA has said it expects full attendance at its meeting yet is still doling out salaries regardless of non-attendance.

“This throws up questions about how we are governing the payment of members of public boards. The Minister for Transport Shane Ross has made a long career out of calling out standards in public life.

“I would hope that this news would spur him on, both as the Minister with responsibility for the NTA, and a senior cabinet member, to raise the issue with his government colleagues. I am sure that reforming regulations to disallow the paying of salary to public board members who do not fulfill their obligation on boards would receive support from opposition parties.”



As reported in the Dublin Inquirer;

“NTA Board Member Paid €6,193.93 for Attending a Single Board Meeting Last Year

NTA Board Member Paid €6,193.93 for Attending a Single Board Meeting Last Year



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